Why Now Is the Time to Reform How We Elect the President Why Now Is the Time to Reform How We Elect the President
The power brokers of both parties are already busy trying to shut down debate and shut out alternatives for 2016.
Feb 5, 2014 / The Editors

7 Questions for Tish James 7 Questions for Tish James
New York City’s new public advocate on homeless children, the former mayor and her office’s shrunken budget.
Feb 5, 2014 / Laura Flanders

Two High-Profile Lawsuits Are Challenging Virginia’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban Two High-Profile Lawsuits Are Challenging Virginia’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban
Could one of them be on the road to the Supreme Court?
Feb 5, 2014 / Lizzy Ratner

Comix Nation Comix Nation
Feb 5, 2014 / Matt Bors

Snapshot: The Dry Season Snapshot: The Dry Season
The nearly empty Almaden Reservoir near San Jose, California, on January 21. Governor Jerry Brown has declared a drought emergency in the state, two-thirds of which is suffering from “severe” or “exceptional” drought conditions, according to the US Drought Monitor.
Feb 5, 2014 / Robert Galbraith

Obama Called for a ‘Year of Action’ to Fight Inequality. Let’s Make It Happen. Obama Called for a ‘Year of Action’ to Fight Inequality. Let’s Make It Happen.
Only continued pressure from grassroots activists will force Washington to do the right thing.
Jan 29, 2014 / The Editors

Bill de Blasio Is Wrong to Pander to AIPAC Bill de Blasio Is Wrong to Pander to AIPAC
The powerful right-wing lobby doesn’t represent most American Jews, and it’s no longer the only game in town.
Jan 29, 2014 / The Editors

Celebrating Pete Seeger Celebrating Pete Seeger
Bruce Springsteen said it best, on Pete’s ninetieth birthday: “You outlasted the bastards, man.”
Jan 29, 2014 / John Nichols

How the Myth of the ‘Negro Cocaine Fiend’ Helped Shape American Drug Policy How the Myth of the ‘Negro Cocaine Fiend’ Helped Shape American Drug Policy
In 1914, a racist fiction helped sell one of the nation’s first drug laws; 100 years later, it’s still with us.
Jan 29, 2014 / Carl L. Hart

What Happens When 85 People Are Worth the Same Amount as 3.5 Billion? What Happens When 85 People Are Worth the Same Amount as 3.5 Billion?
A new Oxfam report warns of the dangers of global inequality.
Jan 29, 2014 / Corinne Grinapol