North Carolina’s Moral Mondays North Carolina’s Moral Mondays
An inspiring grassroots movement is fighting back against the GOP’s outrageous budget cuts and attacks on democracy.
Jul 17, 2013 / Ari Berman

Islamism After the Coup in Egypt Islamism After the Coup in Egypt
Egypt cannot have a future as a viable, pluralistic democracy without the Muslim Brotherhood’s participation.
Jul 17, 2013 / Mohamad Bazzi

Why Gay Marriage Is Winning Why Gay Marriage Is Winning
Hint: it’s not the marriage part.
Jul 3, 2013 / Richard Kim

A New Strategy for Voting Rights A New Strategy for Voting Rights
Activists are already moving ‘from outrage to action’ in fighting the Supreme Court’s awful VRA decision.
Jul 3, 2013 / Ari Berman
Noted Noted
John Nichols on a bipartisan resolution on Syria, Eunji Kim on LA’s plastic bag ban
Jul 3, 2013 / Various Contributors

Brazil vs. the World Cup Brazil vs. the World Cup
What could have provoked such massive protests against a soccer festival from the sport’s most passionate fans?
Jul 3, 2013 / Marina Amaral and Natalia Viana

America’s Surveillance Net America’s Surveillance Net
There is a revolution afoot—one that is being carried out by the government against the fundamental law of the land.
Jun 19, 2013 / Jonathan Schell
Noted Noted
Ari Berman on the Supreme Court's ruling in Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Greg Mitchell on the US media and Syria, Dave Zirin on the protests in Brazil
Jun 19, 2013 / Various Contributors

Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’ Government Spying: Why You Can’t ‘Just Trust Us’
For proof that the current surveillance programs are ripe for abuse, Americans need only look at what preceded them.
Jun 19, 2013 / Marcy Wheeler

Iran’s Stunning Reform Victory Iran’s Stunning Reform Victory
In a clear challenge to hardliners, President-elect Hassan Rouhani vowed, ‘I have come to destroy extremism.’
Jun 19, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss