For a Public Search Engine For a Public Search Engine
Studies show that insiders at Google could, if they wanted, covertly alter voter preferences. The very possibility is a threat to democracy.
Apr 17, 2013 / Evan Leatherwood
Save the New York Public Library! Save the New York Public Library!
The current renovation plan is too costly and will ruin the landmark 42nd Street building. A reasonable compromise is still on the table.
Apr 17, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Scott Sherman
Noted Noted
John Nichols on the USPS and Saturday delivery, Liliana Segura on Boston hero Carlos Arredondo, James Cersonsky on a celebrity-studded fight against mass incarceration, and Laura F...
Apr 17, 2013 / Various Contributors
Nation Notes Nation Notes
As our venerable columnist Katha Pollitt goes on leave to work on a book, we welcome our widely read blogger and contributor Jessica Valenti as a guest columnist in her stead. Over the past year, Jessica has been writing for on feminism, reproductive rights and sexuality, among other topics. She'll explore those subjects, and more, in her “Body Politic” column, which will
 appear biweekly until Katha returns.
Apr 17, 2013 / The Editors

Tragedy in Boston Tragedy in Boston
We're still searching for the elusive balance between safety and liberty. Maybe, in the response to this attack, America can get it right.
Apr 17, 2013 / The Editors
Noted Noted
Rinku Sen on the Associated Press's decision to "drop the 'i' word," Robert Dreyfuss on Hagel's bad budget rhetoric, and the editors on a prize for Nation...
Apr 10, 2013 / The Editors
Dispatches From the US Student Movement Dispatches From the US Student Movement
From the All in the Red Collective in New York to the Oxy Sexual Assault Coalition in California, young activists are on the march.
Apr 10, 2013 / The Editors
Thatcherism Triumphant Thatcherism Triumphant
Margaret Thatcher's smiling villainy sparked a generation of dissent—and neoliberal policies that live on today.
Apr 10, 2013 / Maria Margaronis

The Promise of Connecticut’s Gun Legislation The Promise of Connecticut’s Gun Legislation
Sandy Hook opened a rare opportunity to change not just a few laws but the basic terms of debate over public safety and social responsibility.
Apr 10, 2013 / Bruce Shapiro

Why We Need to Expand Social Security, Not Cut It Why We Need to Expand Social Security, Not Cut It
Obama's budget proposal is both bad politics and bad economics—our real crisis is that most Americans lack the means for a secure retirement.
Apr 10, 2013 / The Editors