
Will Obama Defend Media Democracy? Will Obama Defend Media Democracy?

His next appointee for FCC chair could determine whether robber barons consolidate their domination of the public discourse.

Apr 3, 2013 / John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney

John Kerry’s Fateful Decision on the Keystone Pipeline

John Kerry’s Fateful Decision on the Keystone Pipeline John Kerry’s Fateful Decision on the Keystone Pipeline

Four decades ago, he spoke out bravely against the Vietnam War. Will he show the same courage today, in helping to end the fossil-fuel era?  

Apr 3, 2013 / Bill McKibben

Noted Noted

Katrina vanden Heuvel on the battle for paid sick days, Elana Leopold on the fight against Pam Geller's Islamaphobic ads, Sarah Woolf on the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto u...

Apr 3, 2013 / Various Contributors

Korean War Games

Korean War Games Korean War Games

Pyongyang's bellicose posturing conforms to an old pattern, but the dangers may be greater now because tensions are rising throughout the region.

Apr 3, 2013 / Bruce Cumings

The Cypriot Crash

The Cypriot Crash The Cypriot Crash

This tiny nation has been pushed off a cliff to "save" the eurozone. Reunification may be the only way to turn the island's fortunes around.

Apr 3, 2013 / Maria Margaronis

Will the Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Marriage?

Will the Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Marriage? Will the Supreme Court Punt on Same-Sex Marriage?

Gay rights advocates were hoping that the Court would issue a broad ruling, but the justices seem most concerned with issues of standing.

Apr 3, 2013 / Nan D. Hunter

Wayne LaPierre Is Winning

Wayne LaPierre Is Winning Wayne LaPierre Is Winning

Deride the NRA's spokesman all you want, but his group is close to gutting gun control legislation in Congress.

Mar 27, 2013 / The Editors

Rape—Still No Joke

Rape—Still No Joke Rape—Still No Joke

Decades of work to change rape laws has done little to change culture.

Mar 27, 2013 / Jessica Valenti

Noted Noted

Aura Bogado on the police killing of Manuel Diaz, Hamilton Fish on Iraq veteran Tomas Young, Robert Dreyfuss on “Obama's General” versus drones, the editors on New York City’s stop...

Mar 27, 2013 / Various Contributors

The Dark Side of DNA Evidence

The Dark Side of DNA Evidence The Dark Side of DNA Evidence

Collecting DNA upon arrest can identify the guilty and exonerate the innocent. But it also amounts to an expanding racial dragnet.

Mar 27, 2013 / Jason Silverstein
