Government Persecution, From Aaron Swartz to Bradley Manning Government Persecution, From Aaron Swartz to Bradley Manning
The Justice Department has been ruthless in targeting those who bring hidden information into the public realm.
Jan 23, 2013 / Chase Madar
Noted Noted
Robert Dreyfuss on peace and the inaugural address, Dan Wakefield on inaugural poet Richard Blanco, James Cersonsky and Alec Luhn on student movements, the editors on Jeremy Scahil...
Jan 23, 2013 / Various Contributors

Google’s Monopoly on the News Google’s Monopoly on the News
Left undiscussed in the FTC’s investigation is the search giant’s ability to limit what we all read.
Jan 23, 2013 / William F. Baker

This Is ‘Roe’ at 40 This Is ‘Roe’ at 40
After taking some hits, the movement for abortion rights is pushing backāand has some new tricks up its sleeve.
Jan 16, 2013 / The Editors
Noted Noted
Tana Ganeva on the Homeless Bill Of Rights, Ryan Devereaux on an anti-stop-and-frisk ruling, Jessica Valenti on American rape culture.
Jan 16, 2013 / Various Contributors

Rape in the ‘New India’ Rape in the ‘New India’
Exploding the myth of the “two Indias,” the brutal attacks on women have shown that there is only one, where social Darwinism reigns.
Jan 16, 2013 / Lakshmi Chaudhry

America’s New Cold War With Russia America’s New Cold War With Russia
Obama, Congress and the media continue their dangerous, one-dimensional approach.
Jan 16, 2013 / Stephen F. Cohen

An Alternative to Austerity An Alternative to Austerity
In the looming debt-ceiling fight, progressives must make the case for protecting social programs, raising revenues and cutting the Pentagon budget.
Jan 9, 2013 / The Editors

Why Has Obama Pardoned So Few Prisoners? Why Has Obama Pardoned So Few Prisoners?
Cases like that of Weldon Angelos, who was given a fifty-five-year sentence for selling marijuana, cry out for mercy. But calls for clemency have fallen on deaf ears.
Jan 9, 2013 / Sasha Abramsky
Noted Noted
Christie Thompson on the Wilmington Ten, Greg Mitchell on Al Jazeera America, Aura Bogado on Idle No More, John Nichols on Gerda Lerner
Jan 9, 2013 / Various Contributors