
The Battle for Healthcare Has Just Begun

The Battle for Healthcare Has Just Begun The Battle for Healthcare Has Just Begun

Between Tea Party governors’ refusing to expand Medicaid and the attack ads vilifying Obamacare, progressives have a lot of work to do.

Jul 11, 2012 / The Editors

Healthcare Advocates: Time to Bury the Hatchet

Healthcare Advocates: Time to Bury the Hatchet Healthcare Advocates: Time to Bury the Hatchet

As a former insurance flack, I know progressive infighting over Obamacare will play right into the industry's hands.

Jul 11, 2012 / Wendell Potter

Liberals Win Big on Supreme Court ACA Decision Liberals Win Big on Supreme Court ACA Decision

But the fact that five justices were nearly willing to strike it down shows just how conservative this Court truly is.

Jul 11, 2012 / David Cole

Nora Ephron, Humanist and Loyal Friend Nora Ephron, Humanist and Loyal Friend

Thank you for casting us in your life.

Jul 11, 2012 / Victor Navasky

A Supreme Court for the 1 Percent

A Supreme Court for the 1 Percent A Supreme Court for the 1 Percent

The Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, but in other recent decisions has also guaranteed that corporations will have even more power to shape public debate about the...

Jun 27, 2012 / The Editors

On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0

On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0 On Immigration, United States 1, Arizona 0

Contrary to many claims, the Supreme Court did not uphold the “show me your papers” provision of SB-1070—the decision is a near-complete victory for immigrants&rs...

Jun 27, 2012 / David Cole

Noted Noted

Andrea Jones and Max Rivlin-Nadler on the silent march against stop-and-frisk, Richard Kim on Voting Rights Watch 2012

Jun 27, 2012 / Various Contributors

Some Justice for Kids Some Justice for Kids

Why did the Court limit its ruling to cases with mandatory sentences, instead of banning juvenile life without parole altogether?

Jun 27, 2012 / Liliana Segura

NAFTA on Steroids

NAFTA on Steroids NAFTA on Steroids

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would grant enormous new powers to corporations, is a massive assault on democracy.

Jun 27, 2012 / Lori Wallach

Post-Wisconsin Labor Pains Post-Wisconsin Labor Pains

The crushing recall loss shows that labor must find better ways to defend itself in the electoral arena.

Jun 14, 2012 / The Editors
