Noted. Noted.
John Nichols on taxing Wall Street, Mike Elk on a win against the megabanks and Katelyn Belyus on subscribing to The Nation while incarcerated
Sep 7, 2011 / Various Contributors

Attica at 40 Attica at 40
Four decades after the bloodiest prison massacre in US history, we have yet to accept the basic fact that prisoners are human.
Sep 7, 2011 / Liliana Segura

The Years Since 9/11: A Lost Decade The Years Since 9/11: A Lost Decade
In the aftermath of that terrible day, we had a chance to build our politics around social solidarity. Instead, George W. Bush led the charge to a politics of fear.
Aug 31, 2011 / The Editors

The New American Jujitsu The New American Jujitsu
In the wake of 9/11, we have summoned up imaginary demons to spare ourselves from facing the all-too-real burdens of our time.
Aug 31, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Jonathan Schell
Noted. Noted.
George Zornik on the Keystone XL pipeline, Natasja Sheriff on the link between climate change and conflict and John Nichols on Dick Cheney’s new memoir
Aug 31, 2011 / Various Contributors

Justice for US-Passport-Holding Torture Survivors Only? Justice for US-Passport-Holding Torture Survivors Only?
Anyone credibly alleging that he was tortured should have his day in court. But recent court decisions suggest that there will be accountability only for American citizens.
Aug 31, 2011 / David Cole

A New Middle East A New Middle East
The protesters who have filled the streets of Arab cities for months now are demanding democracy and open government, and an end to the corruption and brutal humiliations of autocr...
Aug 24, 2011 / The Editors
The Democrats’ Rural Rebellions The Democrats’ Rural Rebellions
The Republicans’ dramatic overreach in states from Wisconsin to Maine has created openings for substantial Democratic victories in unexpected territory.
Aug 24, 2011 / John Nichols
Noted. Noted.
Sarah Jaffe on the Verizon strike, Tom Hayden on AFL-CIO’s condemnation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Britney Wilson on a welcome change in the prisons
Aug 24, 2011 / Various Contributors
The Party of Bachmann? The Party of Bachmann?
Antigovernment zealots and biblical literalists are driving the race for 2012's Republican presidential nomination.
Aug 24, 2011 / Sarah Posner