
Noted. Noted.

Liliana Segura on the death penalty in Texas, John Nichols on ranked-choice voting in Oakland and Carmina Ocampo on access to public universities for undocumented immigrants in Cal...

Nov 17, 2010 / Various Contributors

The ‘Giving’ Season

The ‘Giving’ Season The ‘Giving’ Season

What's so bad about big-ticket philanthropy? Nothing—except that it lets the wealthy decide how to spend money that would be the Treasury's.

Nov 17, 2010 / David Nasaw

An Agenda for the Lame-Duck Congress

An Agenda for the Lame-Duck Congress An Agenda for the Lame-Duck Congress

Democrats should respond to the election results by getting things done for the American people.

Nov 10, 2010 / The Editors

George W. Bush: Torturer-in-Chief

George W. Bush: Torturer-in-Chief George W. Bush: Torturer-in-Chief

Bush has now publicly admitted to signing off on the CIA's torture tactics. That seals the case against him.

Nov 10, 2010 / David Cole

Noted. Noted.

Liliana Segura on the sentencing of Oscar Grant's killer, Kate Murphy on the achievement gap in public schools and Jennifer O'Mahoney on Oklahoma's attempt to ban sharia law

Nov 10, 2010 / Various Contributors

Obama Without Tears

Obama Without Tears Obama Without Tears

The president needs to learn to play hardball.

Nov 10, 2010 / William Greider

Stand and Fight

Stand and Fight Stand and Fight

Conventional wisdom says Republicans made gains in the midterms because Obama tried to do too much and was too liberal. Wrong.

Nov 4, 2010 / The Editors

Tea Party Takeaways

Tea Party Takeaways Tea Party Takeaways

On a night when Republicans pulled off the largest shift in party power since 1938, they also seemed, paradoxically, to be an endangered species.

Nov 4, 2010 / Richard Kim

Noted. Noted.

John Nichols on Sen. Russ Feingold's loss, Ari Berman on Democratic wins in Colorado and Kate Murphy on Arizona's new ban on affirmative action.

Nov 3, 2010 / Various Contributors

Mama Grizzlies Die Hard

Mama Grizzlies Die Hard Mama Grizzlies Die Hard

As Democrats survey the wreckage left by the 2010 midterms, one sight is at least slightly cheering: Sarah Palin's Mama Grizzlies licking their wounds.

Nov 3, 2010 / Betsy Reed
