The Road to Re-Election Runs Through Kabul? The Road to Re-Election Runs Through Kabul?
The real purpose of sending 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan is to make Obama look tough as he heads toward the next US presidential election.
Dec 7, 2009 / Christian Parenti
The Physics of Copenhagen The Physics of Copenhagen
Why all the normal political calculations are likely to prove disastrous in Copenhagen.
Dec 7, 2009 / Bill McKibben
Victory at Last! Monty Python in Afghanistan Victory at Last! Monty Python in Afghanistan
How Obama's Afghan speech turned the Commander-in-Chief into the Commanded-and-Chief.
Dec 3, 2009 / Tom Engelhardt
Noted. Noted.
Rick Warren's homosexuality double standard; UCLA students versus tuition hikes; a preview of upcoming Copenhagen coverage.
Dec 2, 2009 / The Editors
Confronting the Globalcrat Confronting the Globalcrat
Globalization advocates must realize that they're dealing with a new world.
Dec 2, 2009 / Greg Palast
Climate Fog Climate Fog
Congress is finally ready to address climate change--but the American public seems headed in the opposite direction.
Dec 2, 2009 / Chris Hayes
Obama’s War Obama’s War
In making Afghanistan the key to America's national security strategy against terrorism, Obama has chosen to perpetuate some damaging myths.
Dec 2, 2009 / The Editors

Fred Hampton’s Legacy Fred Hampton’s Legacy
We must remain vigilant against government crimes and secrecy.
Nov 24, 2009 / Jeffrey Haas
Noted. Noted.
The race to fill Ted Kennedy's seat is on; Geithner is under the gun; The Nation's revered puzzle setter retires.
Nov 24, 2009 / The Editors
How to Save Journalism How to Save Journalism
To save news media, stop blaming the Internet and start thinking about how subsidies could revive a public good.
Nov 24, 2009 / John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney