Ten Things You Can Do to Reduce Incarceration Ten Things You Can Do to Reduce Incarceration
Come out of the closet about your drug use; hire a formerly incarcerated person; vote for politicians who are smart on crime.
Oct 28, 2009 / The Nation
Devil in the Old Dominion Devil in the Old Dominion
Everyone is looking to Virginia's off-year gubernatorial contest as a Middle American barometer for 2010.
Oct 21, 2009 / Bob Moser
Dem Doldrums in Gotham Dem Doldrums in Gotham
Whatever his party label, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's firmest loyalties are to Wall Street. Why is his Democratic opponent unwilling to forcefully challenge him on economic issues?
Oct 21, 2009 / Theodore Hamm
Crafting Health Reform Crafting Health Reform
Healthcare reform is looking less like a fantasy and more like a probability--but we need to keep a close watch on affordability, financing and the public option.
Oct 21, 2009 / J. Lester Feder
Obama’s Fateful Choice Obama’s Fateful Choice
US Afghanistan policy should not be held hostage to the president's past rhetoric.
Oct 21, 2009 / The Editors
Why the Health Insurance Excise Tax Is a Bad Idea Why the Health Insurance Excise Tax Is a Bad Idea
Max Baucus's scheme to tax the benefits of workers slightly better off--so revenue can be raised for private insurance subsidies--is a lose-lose proposition.
Oct 21, 2009 / Steve Early and Rand Wilson
New Rules for Schools New Rules for Schools
The most effective way to fight violence in schools is not the widespread "zero tolerance" model. Thankfully, Clayton County, Georgia, may have the perfect solution.
Oct 14, 2009 / Amy Bach
Left Turn in Jersey Left Turn in Jersey
By embracing the left instead of running to the center, New Jersey's Democratic Governor Jon Corzine has revitalized his once-troubled re-election campaign.
Oct 14, 2009 / John Nichols
Noted. Noted.
GOP obstruction of Obama appointees continues to succeed; an immigration-policing program draws substantial heat; The Nation's Gary Younge receives Britain's prestigious James Came...
Oct 14, 2009 / The Editors