
Nation Note Nation Note

Introducing our new art critic, Barry Schwabsky.

Sep 30, 2009 / The Editors

Noted. Noted.

Activism against Afghanistan escalation, the death of Texas liberal Don Yarborough, a bailout for students

Sep 30, 2009 / The Editors

Chávez Talks to ‘The Nation’ Chávez Talks to ‘The Nation’

Hugo Chávez on Barack Obama, the Honduran crisis, and domestic successes and challenges.

Sep 30, 2009 / The Editors

Rethinking Government Rethinking Government

Effective government is the precondition of freedom. And Obama needs to tell us that.

Sep 30, 2009 / Drew Westen

Israel vs. Human Rights Israel vs. Human Rights

Israel's latest strategy for responding to allegations of human rights abuses: kill the messenger.

Sep 30, 2009 / Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz

Against Escalation Against Escalation

Obama faces a presidency-defining choice: will he escalate in Afghanistan, or plot a new course?

Sep 30, 2009 / The Editors

The Supreme Court Slams the Door The Supreme Court Slams the Door

How a mere "procedural" decision blatantly shortchanges justice.

Sep 30, 2009 / Herman Schwartz

Democrats Don’t Deliver Healthcare Reform… Again Democrats Don’t Deliver Healthcare Reform… Again

Five Democratic senators on the Senate Finance Committee helped defeat a public option; do they really think that will advance reform--or even their political careers?

Sep 29, 2009 / Adam Howard

The Medicare Gravy Train The Medicare Gravy Train

Humana and other insurance industry giants have been fomenting a scare campaign among seniors to keep the industry's wasteful taxpayer subsidy going.

Sep 29, 2009 / Trudy Lieberman

Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform Huge Hurdles to Nuclear and Energy Reform

At the UN this week, Barack Obama told the world to stop complaining about US hegemony and start working with Washington on big global problems. He should take his own advice.

Sep 25, 2009 / Barbara Crossette
