Huey Long: Death of a Demagogue Huey Long: Death of a Demagogue
Huey sleeps with the other kingfish.
Apr 2, 2009 / The Editors
Media Misses Mark on Truman’s Election Media Misses Mark on Truman’s Election
The only person in 1948 who thought Truman had a chance in 1948 was Harry, and even he wasn't all that convinced.
Apr 2, 2009 / The Editors
A Lady in the House A Lady in the House
A brief comment notes that Jeanette Rankin is the first woman to have been elected to the House of Representatives.
Apr 1, 2009 / The Editors
The Austrian Tragedy The Austrian Tragedy
The Nation says the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand could have serious political consequences. The writer got that right.
Apr 1, 2009 / The Editors
Trust Your Guts Trust Your Guts
Wall Street reforms may further consolidate power and ratify a corporate state that combines the worst aspects of socialism and capitalism.
Mar 28, 2009 / William Greider
Three Mile Island, the NRC and Obama Three Mile Island, the NRC and Obama
Thirty years after the Three Mile Island partial meltdown, the real nuclear power threat is the relicensing of old plants.
Mar 27, 2009 / Christian Parenti
Don’t Go There Mr. President! Don’t Go There Mr. President!
Sending 17,000 or 21,000 more US troops to Afghanistan will not protect Americans against Al Qaeda attacks
Mar 27, 2009 / Tom Hayden
Noted. Noted.
Esther Kaplan on the SEIU and the California Nurses Association's "game changer"; Bruce Shapiro on the death penalty; praise and prizes for The Nation.
Mar 26, 2009 / The Editors
Experts of the World Unite Experts of the World Unite
Despite Obama's inaugural call for a New Era of Responsibility, the old cynicism threatens a comeback.
Mar 26, 2009 / Chris Hayes
Geithnerism Must Go Geithnerism Must Go
In the end, the treasury secretary's fate is less important than the fate of the economic principles he has championed.
Mar 26, 2009 / The Editors