
Tax Cut Madness Tax Cut Madness

If all goes as the GOP has planned, George W. Bush will have on his desk by Memorial Day a $1.35 trillion tax bill that is wrongheaded and an utterly inequitable pander to the pri...

May 17, 2001 / The Editors

Lost in Space Lost in Space

A report by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's Space Commission advocates circumventing the intent of international laws that seek to keep space free from war and urges that t...

May 17, 2001 / Karl Grossman and Judith Long

In Fact… In Fact…

WHAT'S OLSON NOT TELLING? "I was not involved in the project..." Could it be that Theodore Olson, who argued Bush's Florida recount case before the Supreme Court and is now his n...

May 17, 2001 / The Editors

McVeigh’s Last Message McVeigh’s Last Message

There is probably no punishment more painful to Timothy McVeigh than the great joke just played by the cosmos. In his fantasy life McVeigh has fancied himself a sort of stoic samu...

May 17, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

Straights Can Change, Too Straights Can Change, Too

The recent New York Times front-page headline "Scientists Say Gay Change Is Possible" left me somewhat bemused.

May 17, 2001 / Richard Kim

Glasser and Freeh Glasser and Freeh

We are, as a nation, about to experience the changing of two guards. First, Ira Glasser, having given a year's notice, is stepping down after nearly a quarter-century as executive...

May 10, 2001 / The Editors

Rogue Nation Rogue Nation

News that the United States has been voted off the UN Human Rights Commission and the UN international drug monitoring board has elicited vows of revenge from conservatives in Con...

May 10, 2001 / The Editors

News and Profits News and Profits

Jay T. Harris resigned March 19 as publisher of the San Jose Mercury News, saying he was unwilling to make staff cuts necessary to meet the profit goals of Knight Ridder, the pape...

May 10, 2001 / Jay T. Harris

In Fact… In Fact…

BUSH'S CHILDPROOF BUDGET George W. Bush pledges to "leave no child behind" even as he touts his tax cut as coming from "the surplus funds" left "after we've met our needs." But ...

May 10, 2001 / The Editors

Bush’s Antichoice Assault Bush’s Antichoice Assault

In many respects, the recent meeting in Chicago of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), the major professional association of abortion providers in North America, looked like a...

May 10, 2001 / Carole Joffe
