
‘Starve the Beast’: A Q&A With Alex S. Vitale on Defunding the Police

‘Starve the Beast’: A Q&A With Alex S. Vitale on Defunding the Police ‘Starve the Beast’: A Q&A With Alex S. Vitale on Defunding the Police

We spoke to Vitale about the failures of Obama-era police reform efforts and why reducing police power is one of the best solutions available.

Jun 4, 2020 / Q&A / Zachary Siegel

Little Donald’s Sneeze

Little Donald’s Sneeze Little Donald’s Sneeze


Jun 2, 2020 / Peter Kuper

New Beginnings: Time to Think Big!

New Beginnings: Time to Think Big! New Beginnings: Time to Think Big!

In times of crisis, ideas that were once considered radical can enter the mainstream.

Jun 1, 2020 / Christopher Shay for The Nation

Keith Ellison on Police Brutality: ‘We Need a Vision That Says There’s Going to Be Accountability’

Keith Ellison on Police Brutality: ‘We Need a Vision That Says There’s Going to Be Accountability’ Keith Ellison on Police Brutality: ‘We Need a Vision That Says There’s Going to Be Accountability’

Minnesota’s attorney general, in an exclusive interview with The Nation, says we must challenge the social order that maintains an unjust status quo.

May 31, 2020 / John Nichols

Unemployment Insurance Is a Vital Part of Economic Freedom

Unemployment Insurance Is a Vital Part of Economic Freedom Unemployment Insurance Is a Vital Part of Economic Freedom

Finding a way to provide economic security to our fractured labor force is one of the central goals of our time.

May 29, 2020 / Mike Konczal

Remembering Frederika Randall (1948–2020)

Remembering Frederika Randall (1948–2020) Remembering Frederika Randall (1948–2020)

The Nation’s longtime Rome correspondent died on May 12.

May 28, 2020 / D.D. Guttenplan

Depicting Those Lost to Covid-19

Depicting Those Lost to Covid-19 Depicting Those Lost to Covid-19

They were all essential.

May 28, 2020 / Steve Brodner

Comix Nation

Comix Nation Comix Nation


May 19, 2020 / Matt Bors

Democracy Dies in Dysfunction

Democracy Dies in Dysfunction Democracy Dies in Dysfunction

There are clear steps we can take now to ensure fair and functional elections in November—but time is quickly running out.

May 18, 2020 / John Nichols for The Nation

Street mural of a nurse wearing a mask

Can Britain Survive Boris Johnson? Can Britain Survive Boris Johnson?

After Corbyn, after Covid, the Labour Party struggles to break through.

May 16, 2020 / Gary Younge
