The Supreme Court Is an Antidemocratic Hot Mess—and We Should Change That The Supreme Court Is an Antidemocratic Hot Mess—and We Should Change That
If the Senate won’t do its constitutional duty, that duty should be taken away from it.
Sep 11, 2018 / Richard Kim

On Colin Kaepernick’s Nike Ad: Will the Revolution Be Branded? On Colin Kaepernick’s Nike Ad: Will the Revolution Be Branded?
Colin Kaepernick is now the face of Nike, which raises questions we should not be afraid to ask.
Sep 4, 2018 / Dave Zirin

I Want to Explore Polyamory, My Partner Doesn’t. What Should I Do? I Want to Explore Polyamory, My Partner Doesn’t. What Should I Do?
Another reader asks how she can protect others from an ex-colleague who may have assaulted three women.
Aug 31, 2018 / Liza Featherstone

Jerry Brown’s Climate Legacy Is Still Being Decided Jerry Brown’s Climate Legacy Is Still Being Decided
The California governor has been a stellar first-generation climate leader, but now science requires leaving fossil fuels in the ground.
Aug 29, 2018 / Bill McKibben

Aretha Franklin—Musical Genius, Truth Teller, Freedom Fighter Aretha Franklin—Musical Genius, Truth Teller, Freedom Fighter
Angela Davis, whose bond Franklin offered to post in 1970, says that the singer’s work “helped to shape and deepen a collective consciousness anchored in a yearning for freedom.”
Aug 16, 2018 / Farah Jasmine Griffin

Zephyr Teachout for Attorney General of New York Zephyr Teachout for Attorney General of New York
She has the experience, independence and toughness needed to transform the office and combat corruption at all levels.
Aug 16, 2018 / The Nation

The Democratic Insurgency Is Winning the War of Ideas The Democratic Insurgency Is Winning the War of Ideas
Some of its candidates have won, others have lost. But the movement is succeeding where it counts.
Aug 16, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Shareholder Revolution Devours Its Children The Shareholder Revolution Devours Its Children
The economy has been rigged to channel wealth to a tiny elite.
Aug 15, 2018 / Mike Konczal

‘Random Murder, Rape, and Pillage’: A US Soldier Describes 1968 in Vietnam ‘Random Murder, Rape, and Pillage’: A US Soldier Describes 1968 in Vietnam
Whatever you do, don’t eat the apricots out of a C-ration can.
Aug 2, 2018 / Q&A / Nick Turse