
Voting ballot box

Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging Why the Supreme Court’s Voter-Purge Ruling Is So Damaging

The Husted decision fuels the GOP voter-suppression campaign—but citizens have a chance to fight back in this fall’s midterms.

Jun 20, 2018 / John Nichols

‘The Menace Is Inequality’: A Conversation With Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias

‘The Menace Is Inequality’: A Conversation With Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias ‘The Menace Is Inequality’: A Conversation With Podemos’s Pablo Iglesias

The general secretary of Spain’s leading leftist party discusses how to confront global capitalism.

Jun 20, 2018 / Q&A / Winnie Wong

Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance

Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance

But both Democrats and Republicans have criminalized immigration.

Jun 20, 2018 / The Nation

I Think My Friend Is a Jordan Peterson Fan. What Should I Do?

I Think My Friend Is a Jordan Peterson Fan. What Should I Do? I Think My Friend Is a Jordan Peterson Fan. What Should I Do?

Another reader asks if it’s ethical to help an advertising firm understand “modern retirement.”

Jun 7, 2018 / Liza Featherstone

Cynthia Nixon for Governor

Cynthia Nixon for Governor Cynthia Nixon for Governor

New Yorkers deserve a true progressive champion.

Jun 6, 2018 / The Nation

The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think

The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think The ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ Decision Is Not As Harmless as You Think

Justice Kennedy’s narrow ruling could open the floodgates for other suits designed to chip away at LGBTQ rights.

Jun 4, 2018 / Sarah Posner

Comix Nation

Comix Nation Comix Nation

ignore this…

May 24, 2018 / Matt Bors


It’s Time for Progressive Politicians to Catch Up to the Rising Affordable-Housing Movement It’s Time for Progressive Politicians to Catch Up to the Rising Affordable-Housing Movement

The base is getting busy, but elected officials have been slow to catch on​.

May 24, 2018 / The Nation

There Is Power in a Union

There Is Power in a Union There Is Power in a Union

A new study overturns economic orthodoxy and shows that unions reduce inequality.

May 23, 2018 / Mike Konczal

Iranian protesters burn US flag

Why Trump’s Strategy for Iran Is Likely to Lead to War Why Trump’s Strategy for Iran Is Likely to Lead to War

His hopes for a “better deal” are based on the myth—partly encouraged by Obama—that sanctions forced Iran to come to terms in 2015.

May 23, 2018 / Trita Parsi
