
Remembering the Berlin Wall Remembering the Berlin Wall

The right celebrates Reagan as the cold war “victor.” American memorials tell a different story.

Oct 31, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

The Mainstream Media’s Trivial Pursuit of Campaign 2012

The Mainstream Media’s Trivial Pursuit of Campaign 2012 The Mainstream Media’s Trivial Pursuit of Campaign 2012

While neglecting the real issues—and ignoring the radicalization of the Republican Party—reporters obsess over made-up “gaffes” and meaningless campaign mom...

Oct 23, 2012 / Feature / Eric Alterman

What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War

What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War What Republicans Can Learn From the Cold War

The realization that markets need government saved capitalism after World War II.

Oct 23, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Melvyn P. Leffler

What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy What’s Behind the Right’s ‘Obama Is Gay’ Conspiracy

The wing-nuttery’s gaybaiting is not just a fringe phenomenon—it’s part of an old Republican tradition of macho posturing against Democrats.

Oct 23, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Neal Gabler

Mitt Romney’s Extremist Energy Plan

Mitt Romney’s Extremist Energy Plan Mitt Romney’s Extremist Energy Plan

He would eviscerate environmental regulation and encourage plunder by oil and gas interests.

Oct 23, 2012 / Feature / Michael T. Klare

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza Mitt Romney’s Bailout Bonanza

How Mitt and Ann made millions—and Mitt’s hedge fund donors made billions—from the auto-industry rescue that he condemned.

Oct 17, 2012 / Feature / Greg Palast

Mr. Singer and Mr. Ryan Mr. Singer and Mr. Ryan

The auto bailout bill, proposed by President George W. Bush, passed in December 2008 with only thirty-two Republican votes. Among their number, to the surprise and consternation of the Tea Partiers among his supporters, was Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan. But Ryan’s vote likely came as no surprise to the hedge funders who benefited from it the most—particularly Paul Singer, with whom Ryan has enjoyed a long and cozy relationship. Singer and his firm, Elliott Management, are the No. 1 funders of Paul Ryan’s Prosperity PAC. Indeed, it was Singer, reports The Wall Street Journal, who helped push Ryan onto the national ticket as the vice presidential nominee—but only after Ryan turned down Singer’s suggestion that he run for president himself. Ryan had already shocked his supporters by voting for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, whose funds were used to boost the auto bailout and enrich Singer’s Elliott Management. In addition to pouring $2.8 billion into Delphi, TARP sent $12 billion to Ally Financial, formerly the GM finance unit GMAC. One of the biggest holders of Ally is Paul Singer’s fund.GP

Oct 17, 2012 / Feature / Greg Palast

Election 2012 and the Missing Millennials

Election 2012 and the Missing Millennials Election 2012 and the Missing Millennials

Young voters gave Obama a decisive win in 2008. Four years later, the love affair is on the rocks.

Oct 17, 2012 / Feature / Zoë Carpenter

Hershey’s Charity for Children Became GOP Slush Fund

Hershey’s Charity for Children Became GOP Slush Fund Hershey’s Charity for Children Became GOP Slush Fund

A new attorney general in Pennsylvania could launch a real investigation into the diversion of charitable resources to luxury golf and Republican politics.

Oct 17, 2012 / Feature / F. Frederic Fouad

Michelle Obama’s Moves Michelle Obama’s Moves

Has the first lady’s anti-obesity campaign been too accommodating toward the food industry?

Oct 11, 2012 / Feature / Bridget Huber
