
A World Without Water A World Without Water

Dr. Peter Gleick, founder and president of the Pacific Institute, weighs in on the severity and urgency of the global water crisis.

Feb 16, 2009 / Feature / Tara Lohan

WSF: Is Another World Possible? WSF: Is Another World Possible?

At a time of economic, climatic and political crisis, advocates of social justice gathered for the annual World Social Forum to contemplate a new vision for a better world.

Feb 13, 2009 / Feature / Tim Costello and Brendan Smith

Under the Icelandic Volcano Under the Icelandic Volcano

How a cold country lost its shirt in the global economic meltdown, but ultimately found its soul.

Feb 12, 2009 / Feature / Rebecca Solnit

Your Valentine, Made in Prison Your Valentine, Made in Prison

This Valentine's Day you might want to steer clear of Victoria's Secret, unless you like your lingerie made by prisoners.

Feb 12, 2009 / Feature / Beth Schwartzapfel

Britain’s Winter of Discontent Britain’s Winter of Discontent

The global economic crisis hits Britain harder than any other developed country. Is it too big to fail?

Feb 11, 2009 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

Blue Dogs Bark Blue Dogs Bark

Why do the Blue Dog Democrats get so much attention? They're more unified and cohesive than any other House faction. And then there's America's love affair with fiscal conservatism...

Feb 11, 2009 / Feature / Chris Hayes

Looting Social Security Looting Social Security

Behind closed doors, advocates of entitlement reform are pushing Obama to tap the Social Security surplus to pay for bank bailouts. It could be a defining test for new politics in ...

Feb 11, 2009 / Feature / William Greider

Few Peacemakers in Israel’s Knesset Few Peacemakers in Israel’s Knesset

Israeli voters have elected a majority of lawmakers who are against the two-state solution. Now it's up to the world--and the Obama administration--to respond.

Feb 10, 2009 / Feature / Neve Gordon

Screwed by the Fine Print Screwed by the Fine Print

Hidden in the fine print of credit card agreements, patient consent forms and job contracts is an arbitration clause that deprives you of your rights. Congress needs to fix that.

Feb 10, 2009 / Feature / Kia Franklin

The New Gold Standard: Jobs The New Gold Standard: Jobs

Keeping labor costs down used to be the standard to measure productivity. Now, it's all about creating jobs--and we can't afford to wait for the private sector to provide them.

Feb 10, 2009 / Feature / Ken Miller
