Ohio Election Activists Fight GOP Dirty Tricks Ohio Election Activists Fight GOP Dirty Tricks
A surge of first-time voters and dirty tricks by GOP operatives have mobilized citizen activists to prevent another stolen election in Ohio.
Oct 1, 2008 / Feature / Harvey Wasserman and Bob Fitrakis
Main Street Marches on Wall Street Main Street Marches on Wall Street
As economic turmoil continues over the proposed bailout plan, activists put pressure on Congress.
Sep 30, 2008 / Feature / Lucas Mann
End of Iraq’s Awakening? End of Iraq’s Awakening?
A new and growing Sunni resistance movement in Iraq could shatter the false sense of post-surge calm--and it might get Russian support.
Sep 30, 2008 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Bailout, Shmailout Bailout, Shmailout
Congresswoman Kang re-emerges on Capitol Hill in time to put her two cents in on the economic crisis. Paulson takes a knee, and Lacy Mills goes off the rez--way off.
Sep 30, 2008 / Feature / Gary Phillips
Justice Delayed and Denied at Guantanámo Justice Delayed and Denied at Guantanámo
The Supreme Court's ruling in Boumediene v. Bush affirmed prisoners' right to habeas corpus, but the government is stalling; and such delays may keep detainees imprisoned indefinit...
We Have the Bailout Money–We’re Spending It on War We Have the Bailout Money–We’re Spending It on War
If we don't reduce military spending now, the bankruptcy of the United States is inevitable. We don't have much time left.
Sep 29, 2008 / Feature / Chalmers Johnson
Bailout: What’s Next? Bailout: What’s Next?
The bailout crisis represents the Democrats' hesitant first step toward rediscovering their nerve and abandoned convictions. They are not there yet.
Sep 29, 2008 / Feature / William Greider
Archive: Bearing Witness in Mississippi Archive: Bearing Witness in Mississippi
As the eyes of the nation are focused on the University of Mississippi for the presidential debate, The Nation archive yields insights on key events in Mississippi during the civi...
Sep 26, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Marissa Colón-Margolies and Erica Landau
Henry Paulson’s Shell Game Henry Paulson’s Shell Game
The emerging compromise on the bailout is better than Paulson's original proposal, but falls far short of what needs to be done. Congress and the next president will have a lot mor...
Sep 26, 2008 / Feature / Joseph E. Stiglitz
Acts of Contrition Acts of Contrition
The road to recovery requires more than a bailout. Americans deserve apologies from Washington and Wall Street--and a new president capable of telling the truth and leading us forw...
Sep 26, 2008 / Feature / William Greider