
Among the Missing Among the Missing

This Week: Congresswoman Kang takes a powder, her chief of staff Chet Kimbrough is on the mend and two plotting lovers get vamped on.

Jul 29, 2008 / Feature / Gary Phillips

Extreme Water Emergencies Extreme Water Emergencies

Floods, drought, pollution, wildfires: summer's extreme water conditions afflicting the United States this summer are a call to action. Why are we helpless?

Jul 28, 2008 / Feature / Elizabeth de la Vega

Women’s Advocate Is UN’s New Human Rights Chief Women’s Advocate Is UN’s New Human Rights Chief

Despite the Bush Administration's scramble to scuttle her nomination because she is--gasp!--a feminist, a South African judge is named high commissioner for human rights.

Jul 27, 2008 / Feature / Barbara Crossette

Obama’s Berlin Visit Obama’s Berlin Visit

A nation whose citizens have been largely turned off to politics held Barack Obama in a fervent embrace, viewing America once again as a place of new possibilities.

Jul 26, 2008 / Feature / Norman Birnbaum

Obama in Israel: One Tough Audience Obama in Israel: One Tough Audience

The media was enthused, but ordinary Israelis, cynical about their own political leaders, gave Obama a muted reception. The refrain here is "No, they can't," not "Yes, he can."

Jul 24, 2008 / Feature / Hillel Schenker

Dispatch from Minnesota: Al Franken v. Norm Coleman Dispatch from Minnesota: Al Franken v. Norm Coleman

By campaigning in the tradition of his hero, Paul Wellstone, Al Franken may have triumphed over the biggest threat to his candidacy--voter skepticism.

Jul 22, 2008 / Feature / Alexander Zaitchik

The End of History: With a Period, Not a Question Mark The End of History: With a Period, Not a Question Mark

Palestinians lament the Israeli-built wall and life under occupation, and fear permanent restricted access to the holy city of Jerusalem.

Jul 22, 2008 / Feature / Phyllis Bennis

Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers

For decades, the world's largest banks have been helping wealthy Americans steal billions in unpaid taxes. What are we going to do about it?

Jul 22, 2008 / Feature / James S. Henry

Hall of Fame Shut-Out Hall of Fame Shut-Out

A conspiracy of management cronies is blocking 91-year-old union pioneer Marvin Miller from the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Jul 22, 2008 / Feature / Peter Dreier and Kelly Candaele

Radovan Karadzic Captured After 12 Years on the Run Radovan Karadzic Captured After 12 Years on the Run

Radovan Karadzic, captured after twelve years on the run, possessed extraordinary levels of intellect, cruelty and power. And power wielded in a time of war comes at great price, w...

Jul 22, 2008 / Feature / Slavenka Drakulic
