
Blackwater Seeps Into the Campaign Blackwater Seeps Into the Campaign

Clinton and Obama each have nuanced plans to ban private security firms from Iraq. The difference is how they're spinning them.

Mar 18, 2008 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Obama, Politics and the Pulpit Obama, Politics and the Pulpit

The uproar over intemperate remarks by Obama's former pastor reveals all that's repellant in our national discourse over race, religion and politics.

Mar 17, 2008 / Feature / Chris Hayes

The Experts Speak on Iraq The Experts Speak on Iraq

To mark the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War, some daily inspiration from the experts who led us there.

Mar 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky and Christopher Cerf

Tracing Slavery’s Past Tracing Slavery’s Past

On the bicentennial of the abolition of the slave trade, a documentarian tries to come to grips with her family's history in the trade.

Mar 14, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Te-Ping Chen

Daydreaming and I’m Thinking of You Daydreaming and I’m Thinking of You

This week's episode of Citizen Kang: The Congresswoman's chief of staff gets shot at and Kang lets her mind wander into dangerous territory.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Gary Phillips

Reviving Vietnam War Tactics Reviving Vietnam War Tactics

One of Gen. Petraeus's top advisors advocates a return to the global Phoenix program used during the Vietnam War.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

The War and the Working Class The War and the Working Class

Young people drawn into combat by the "economic draft" are being treated just as poorly as all the other workers in this neoliberal economy.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Michael Zweig

The Wages of Peace The Wages of Peace

Spending on the war in Iraq is a job killer. Ending the war would be the real stimulus package.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Robert Pollin and Heidi Garrett-Peltier

Who Said the War Would Pay for Itself? They Did! Who Said the War Would Pay for Itself? They Did!

Unwise words from the "experts" who promised a cost-free war.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Victor Navasky and Christopher Cerf

Class War (chart) Class War (chart)

Who's losing and who's winning at home from the US occupation of Iraq?

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / The Nation
