
Vulcans Triumphant: The Victory Bash Vulcans Triumphant: The Victory Bash

Republicans in Congress have set aside $20 million for a gala in Washington to celebrate victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. The party may be postponed for a while, but the program h...

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Evan Eisenberg

Nascar Values Nascar Values

The Democrats won the House and the Senate because the Republicans lost the garage. How Nascar fans helped turn the tide of the election.

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Robert Lipsyte

The New Democratic Populism The New Democratic Populism

Economic populism was the most underreported story of the midterms and will be the cornerstone of any new Democratic majority.

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Chris Hayes

MoDo, Deconstructed MoDo, Deconstructed

Maureen Dowd's political analysis is devilishly smart and viciously funny--but the New York Times columnist really should spend less time on the couch.

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Simon Maxwell Apter

Prosecute Rumsfeld? Not Ridiculous Prosecute Rumsfeld? Not Ridiculous

A mainstream media legal analyst dismissed efforts to prosecute Donald Rumsfeld and others for war crimes as ridiculous. They're not.

Nov 21, 2006 / Feature / Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith

Smithfield Walkout Challenges Agribiz Giant Smithfield Walkout Challenges Agribiz Giant

Last week's walkout at the Smithfield Packing Company was a significant victory for labor organizers and exploited undocumented workers at the North Carolina plant.

Nov 20, 2006 / Feature / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Dems Rebut Carter on Israeli ‘Apartheid’ Dems Rebut Carter on Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Jimmy Carter's bold new book on the plight of Palestinians has piqued Congressional Democrats who tailor their views to the Israel lobby.

Nov 20, 2006 / Feature / Michael F. Brown

The Lessons of History The Lessons of History

While there may be something great about winning a war, the United States must learn there is something much greater about using the tools of peacemaking to build a better world.

Nov 17, 2006 / Books & the Arts / John Hope Franklin

Why Murtha Lost Why Murtha Lost

The Pennsylvania Democrat's opposition to the Iraq War and Pelosi's endorsement couldn't match Steny Hoyer's seniority, experience and connections to House Democrats.

Nov 16, 2006 / Feature / Ari Berman

Hooray for Right-Wing Hollywood Hooray for Right-Wing Hollywood

Right-wing culture warriors gathered in LA to praise ABC for its flawed 9/11 docudrama, talk up a conservative version of The Daily Show and release a thriller fueled by a nativist...

Nov 16, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Max Blumenthal
