The Coming Gay Republican Purge The Coming Gay Republican Purge
How will the GOP woo back values voters after the Foley scandal? How about a purge of gay Republicans in Congress? That's the Rev. Don Wildmon's idea.
Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal
Needed: A New Security Plan Needed: A New Security Plan
The failure of Bush's foreign policy should open the way for Democrats to present substantial alternatives and rethink what makes us safe. Sadly, that is not happening.
Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / William D. Hartung
Laboring Toward Election Day Laboring Toward Election Day
Despite the split following the 2004 election, labor groups are gearing up for the November elections like never before.
Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / David Moberg
Taliban Rising Taliban Rising
If the corruption of Karzai's government is Afghanistan's new cancer, then the Taliban are increasingly seen as chemotherapy: an unpleasant but necessary remedy.
Oct 12, 2006 / Feature / Christian Parenti
AIPAC Runs Right AIPAC Runs Right
American Jews are liberals and support Democrats. Why, then, do Jewish organizations, supported by contributions of liberal Jews, strategize with Republicans on how to smear these ...
Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / Eric Alterman
Leave No Tax Cheat Behind Leave No Tax Cheat Behind
If President Bush and the Republican Congress would close the loopholes on tax cheats--especially the superrich--there would be ample money to improve the nation's public schools.
Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / John C. Fager
Gone Nuclear: How the World Lost Its Way Gone Nuclear: How the World Lost Its Way
As the world reacts to news of North Korea's underground nuclear test, a crucial anniversary is observed: Twenty years ago at the Reykjavik Summit, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorb...
Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / Richard Falk, Mary Kaldor, Randall Caroline Forsberg, and George Perkovich
No Blank Checks on Torture No Blank Checks on Torture
As the fight against the Administration's policies on torture and the terror detainees shifts to the Supreme Court, there is reason to be confident that the Justices will again rei...
Oct 9, 2006 / Feature / Jonathan Hafetz
Repainting Statehouses Blue Repainting Statehouses Blue
If current trends hold, Democratic governors will soon be popping up all over the country, and with them comes a greater opportunity to challenge the Bush Administration.
Oct 9, 2006 / Feature / John Nichols
Virginia’s Rumbling Rebels Virginia’s Rumbling Rebels
As Senator George Allen's faux-populist campaign devolves into a series of racial embarrassments, Virginia Democrat Jim Webb's unlikely campaign is surging, thanks in large part to...