Putting Boko Haram in Context Putting Boko Haram in Context
There's no purely military solution to the insurgency raging across northeastern Nigeria.
Feb 3, 2015 / Ajamu Baraka and Foreign Policy In Focus

From Detroit to Dublin, a Fight for the Right to Water From Detroit to Dublin, a Fight for the Right to Water
Irish activists fighting a plan to increase the cost of water have an unlikely ally in their corner: the Detroit Water Brigade.
Jan 29, 2015 / Brian Fitzpatrick and Foreign Policy In Focus

Haiti’s Political Earthquake Haiti’s Political Earthquake
Five years after the devastating earthquake, has Haiti fallen into de facto dictatorship?
Jan 22, 2015 / Nathalie Baptiste and Foreign Policy In Focus

Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers Latin America’s Lesson for the US: Prosecute the Torturers
The region’s transition out of dictatorship hinged on two words the United States would be wise to heed: “Never again.”
Dec 12, 2014 / Jo-Marie Burt and Foreign Policy In Focus

Chilean Activists Change the Rules of the Game Chilean Activists Change the Rules of the Game
Graduating from protesters to politicians, Chile’s student leaders achieved the legislative wins that have eluded their Occupy counterparts.
Dec 10, 2014 / Sebastian Rosemont and Foreign Policy In Focus

The Life and Times of Michael B The Life and Times of Michael B
Ferguson has put America’s racial apartheid on the global stage.
Dec 9, 2014 / John Feffer and Foreign Policy In Focus

Rich Countries Pony Up (Some) for Climate Justice Rich Countries Pony Up (Some) for Climate Justice
The developed world has pledged $9.5 billion to help fight climate change. But it’s going to take hundreds of billions more.
Nov 25, 2014 / Oscar Reyes and Foreign Policy In Focus

What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America What ‘Free Trade’ Has Done to Central America
Warnings about the human and environmental costs went unheeded. Now the most vulnerable Central Americans are paying the price.
Nov 24, 2014 / Manuel Pérez-Rocha, Julia Paley, and Foreign Policy In Focus

How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo
Instead of encouraging Cuban doctors to defect, the United States should be working with them to stop the spread of Ebola.
Nov 21, 2014 / Arturo Lopez-Levy and Foreign Policy In Focus

Mexico’s Undead Rise Up Mexico’s Undead Rise Up
With forty-three disappeared student teachers presumed dead, Mexican popular resistance is creating new alternatives to the militarized narco-state.
Nov 20, 2014 / Charlotte María Sáenz and Foreign Policy In Focus