From the Archive

America’s Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan

America’s Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan America’s Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan

The Obama administration is trying to kill its way to victory in Afghanistan. Not only is that strategy failing, it's making the Taliban stronger and Karzai weaker.

Nov 22, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Sex and the GOP

Sex and the GOP Sex and the GOP

The Republican Party is hard-selling its hot Mama Grizzlies. But it's mostly men—not women—who are buying.

Sep 30, 2010 / Feature / Betsy Reed

Erik Prince testifies

Blackwater’s Black Ops Blackwater’s Black Ops

Internal documents reveal the firm's clandestine work for multinationals and governments.

Sep 15, 2010 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Conservation for Survival Conservation for Survival

 Conservation is no longer' a cause; it is a crisis. Its features are drawn in taut lines by forces unprecedented in human history, like a human face contorted by foreboding a...

Apr 14, 2010 / Robert Rienow and Laura Rienow

Environmentalism Turns 16 Environmentalism Turns 16

 Ask Brock Evans, Washington lobbyist for the Audubon Society, what he thinks of the liedown- in-front-of-the-bulldozer approach to 'environmentalism practiced by Earth First!...

Apr 14, 2010 / Seth Zuckerman

The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty

The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty

A mass strategy to recruit the poor onto welfare rolls would create a political crisis that could result in legislation that brings an end to poverty.

Mar 8, 2010 / Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward

The Politics of Pain The Politics of Pain

It is conceivable that torture will go on spreading underground until it is strong enough to break out once more and redouble the embitterments of classes and of races. If so, mank...

Mar 2, 2009 / Books & the Arts / V.G. Kiernan

The Rise of Avigdor Lieberman The Rise of Avigdor Lieberman

Many Israelis and their American allies are sleeping through the rise of the virulently anti-Arab Avigdor Lieberman.

Dec 14, 2006 / Feature / Ben Lynfield

The Gift of Time The Gift of Time

The case for abolition of nuclear weapons.

Feb 2, 1998 / Jonathan Schell

Mythologizing the Bomb

Mythologizing the Bomb Mythologizing the Bomb

The beauty of the atomic scientists' calculations hid from them the truly Faustian contract they scratched their names to.

Aug 14, 1995 / E.L. Doctorow
