
To submit a letter to the editor, please go here.

Inheriting the Wind… Inheriting the Wind…

We've endured our own KT-event regarding David Hawkes's review of Stephen Jay Gould's last book, The Structure of Evolut

Sep 26, 2002 / David Hawkes and Our Readers

Other Voices Other Voices

KGB, CIA, JFK, FYI... Santa Monica, Calif.; Olivebridge, NY

Sep 23, 2002 / Our Readers

Perception of Doors Perception of Doors

Tom Waits and others cheer The Doors' drummer, John Densmore, for not selling out to the corporations.

Sep 19, 2002 / Our Readers

Is There ‘A Different Israel’? Is There ‘A Different Israel’?

Durham, NC In "A Different Israel" [August 5/12] Martha C. Nussbaum wrote that she became relaxed in her "moralistic heart" while accepting an honorary degree from...

Sep 12, 2002 / Our Readers

Letters Letters

LE PEN IN FRANCE... San Francisco Far-right populist Jean-Marie Le Pen's upset in the first round of French presidential voting was variously ascribed to r...

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

Letters Letters

A LAUGH, A CRY... Pittsboro, NC To Tony Kushner: Thank you so much for your words, for the heart and soul behind them, for your humor and for bringing tears...

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

Other Topics Other Topics

Other Topics FINKELSTEIN REBUTS NEUBORNE Chicago In response to advertisements in The Nation for my book The Holocaust Industry, you took the un...

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

A Dillar, A Dollar… A Dillar, A Dollar…

Glendale, Ariz.

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

How 9/11 Changed Our Lives How 9/11 Changed Our Lives

How 9/11 Changed Our Lives Hundreds of readers, aged 16 to 94, replied to our request for letters detailing how September 11 changed (or didn't) "your views of your g...

Sep 5, 2002 / Our Readers

Letters Letters

MORE FUN THAN A BARREL OF... Princeton, NJ In an accurate review of Jonathan Marks's loosely argued What It Means to Be 98% Chimpanzee, Micaela di Leonardo ...

Aug 29, 2002 / Micaela di Leonardo, Peter Sacks, Peter Singer, and Rebecca Zwick
