Letters Letters
E-FAHRENHEIT 451? Berkeley, Calif. The article on electronic books ["On Pixel Pages It Was Writ," June 12] left out the most intriguing aspect of this new format: dig...
Nov 27, 2000 / Our Readers
Divorce, American Style Divorce, American Style
Divorce, American Style New York City In The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, Judith Wallerstein argues that the consequences of parental divorce for children are...
Nov 16, 2000 / Katha Pollitt and Our Readers
Malthusian Delusions? Malthusian Delusions?
Malthusian Delusions? Franklin, N.Y. Amartya Sen starts his otherwise sensible "Population and Gender Equity" [July 24/31] with the unproven assertion that Thomas Malth...
Nov 10, 2000 / Our Readers
‘If You’re Talkin’ Politics…’ ‘If You’re Talkin’ Politics…’
Washington, D.C. As I have traveled the country in this election year, many progressives have asked me whether I believe a vote for Ralph Nader is justified to promo...
Nov 2, 2000 / Ani DiFranco, Our Readers, and Rep. John Conyers
‘Supreme Coort Follows th’ Iliction’ ‘Supreme Coort Follows th’ Iliction’
'Supreme Coort Follows th' Iliction' Missoula, Mont. Thank you for your Supreme Court issue, "Up for Grabs: The Supreme Court and the Election" [Oct. 9], wh...
Oct 26, 2000 / Ralph Nader and Our Readers
‘Charity Believeth All Things…’ ‘Charity Believeth All Things…’
Rochester, Mich. Dennis Hoover is mistaken when he recommends that we say "Yes to Charitable Choice" [Aug. 7/14]. The issue is exactly the same as with religious schoo...
Oct 19, 2000 / Our Readers
The Trials of Lori Berenson The Trials of Lori Berenson
The Trials of Lori Berenson New York City The Nation acknowledges that military and civilian trials in Peru violate due process of law in terrorism cases, that...
Oct 12, 2000 / The Editors, Ramsey Clark, Jonathan Levi, Liz Mineo, Ari Zighelboim, and Elizabeth Schwartz
Letters Letters
'THE HOLOCAUST INDUSTRY' New York City Christopher Hitchens is correct to point out that Norman Finkelstein's book The Holocaust Industry has enjoyed a gre...
Oct 5, 2000 / Burt Neuborne, Gabriel Schoenfeld, Wayne Owens, and Nora Cusack
Letters Letters
Our readers and Ellen Schrecker and Maurice Isserman on "The Right's Cold War Revision."
Sep 25, 2000 / Our Readers
The Discreet Charm of Hoffa Jr. The Discreet Charm of Hoffa Jr.
Marc Cooper's July 24/31 "Where's Hoffa Driving the Teamsters?" provoked a storm of controversy from Honolulu to Brooklyn.
Sep 7, 2000 / Marc Cooper and Our Readers