
Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Domestic workers, many of them women of color or undocumented immigrants, are one of the most vulnerable labor pools when it comes to workplace abuses and sexual violence.

Nov 2, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Three Poems by Thomas Sayers Ellis Three Poems by Thomas Sayers Ellis

"Mr. Dynamite Splits," "Or," "My Meter is Percussive"

Oct 31, 2011 / Thomas Sayers Ellis

Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and William Greider on the Housing Crisis’s ‘Death Spiral’

Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and William Greider on the Housing Crisis’s ‘Death Spiral’ Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and William Greider on the Housing Crisis’s ‘Death Spiral’

The only way out of our national mortgage crisis is through widespread debt forgiveness.

Oct 28, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and Ari Berman on the Rise of the Austerity Class

Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and Ari Berman on the Rise of the Austerity Class Nation Conversations: Roane Carey and Ari Berman on the Rise of the Austerity Class

Why do austerity measures remain so popular within the beltway while the overwhelming evidence in the rest of the country points to the fact that such measures increase unemploymen...

Oct 28, 2011 / The Nation

Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill

Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill

Twenty years after Anita Hill boldly brought workplace sexual harassment to the American public consciousness, The Nation celebrates the progress we have made in the two decades si...

Oct 26, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Cornel West: Creating a Progressive America Cornel West: Creating a Progressive America

We are losing the war that has been waged by plutocrats against the poor over the past thirty years as wealth has been systematically flowing from the poor to the wealthy.

Oct 26, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Occupy Wall Street: Envisioning Victory

Occupy Wall Street: Envisioning Victory Occupy Wall Street: Envisioning Victory

As politicians and pundits continue to agonize over what Occupy Wall Street really wants, those at Zuccotti Park are busy actually working toward their visions of what victory for ...

Oct 24, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

Thom Hartmann: Creating a Progressive America

Thom Hartmann: Creating a Progressive America Thom Hartmann: Creating a Progressive America

Average Americans are watching their country dissolve in front of them, and it will take grassroots mobilization on both the Left and Right to assess and address the systemic dysfu...

Oct 20, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future

Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future Nation Conversations: Katrina vanden Heuvel and Jonathan Steele on Afghanistan’s Future

Ten years into the US occupation of Afghanistan, how can we effectively and humanely end an unwinnable war?

Oct 19, 2011 / The Nation

Eve Ensler: Wall Street and Women’s Work

Eve Ensler: Wall Street and Women’s Work Eve Ensler: Wall Street and Women’s Work

How can women make their voices central to the debate that the Occupy movement has created?

Oct 19, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas
