
Is Newsweek’s Michele Bachmann Cover Sexist? Is Newsweek’s Michele Bachmann Cover Sexist?

Melissa Harris-Perry says that both mainstream and liberal media outlets need to avoid portraying conservative women as inherently incompetent as individuals.

Aug 9, 2011 / MSNBC

From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Japan’s Nuclear Legacy From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Japan’s Nuclear Legacy

Survivors of the first nuclear tragedies are now campaigning not only against nuclear weapons, but now also against the dangers of nuclear power.

Aug 9, 2011 / Democracy Now!

Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Advocates’ Anthem Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Advocates’ Anthem

According to the artist Rha Goddess, we are thrashing through the devastation of history, repeating the mistakes of the past.

Aug 8, 2011 / The Nation

Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Transportation Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Transportation

"Even somebody like me can learn how to fight."

Aug 8, 2011 / The Nation

Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Foreclosures Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Foreclosures

"Me? At a foodbank? Reaching for cans of spam? I'm as lily white as they come! And whats even more disturbing is I'm not alone. There are plenty of formerly known as middle class w...

Aug 8, 2011 / The Nation

Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Jobs Rha Goddess: Opportunity Now—Jobs

"I believe I could do a really good job for you. If you give me the chance."

Aug 8, 2011 / The Nation

Dave Zirin and Sherry Wolf: Sports Shape the Way We Understand Our World Dave Zirin and Sherry Wolf: Sports Shape the Way We Understand Our World

Sports are more than just games: when we play or watch sports, we are forming the ways we look at our world and understand issues of sexism, racism, homophobia and nationalism.

Aug 8, 2011 / NPR

Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America

Jobs are not jobs unless workers can live off of their wages in a way that does not trap them in eternal poverty. 

Aug 8, 2011 / Democracy Now!

Defending the Economy Defending the Economy

The only way to provide for a growing populace in need of a larger infrastructure is by raising the debt ceiling.

Aug 5, 2011 / KPFK-LA Management

Countdown to Wisconsin’s Recall Elections Countdown to Wisconsin’s Recall Elections

John Nichols joins The Ed Show to say that ultimately, it will boil down to who was with, and who was against Scott Walker. 

Aug 5, 2011 / The Ed Show
