The Attack on the Middle Class (and the Plan to Fight Back) The Attack on the Middle Class (and the Plan to Fight Back)
The Nation's Ari Melber joins a panel of progressive advocates to encourage Americans to reunite and rebuild our country through demanding what we have always wanted—good job...
Jun 20, 2011 / The Nation
John Nichols: When Union Busting Meets Mass Mobilization John Nichols: When Union Busting Meets Mass Mobilization
John Nichols joins Laura Flanders at Netroots Nation to discuss political and digital organization, and a new group that he refers to as the "next roots"—the studen...
Jun 20, 2011 / Free Speech TV
Van Jones at Netroots Nation: ‘Don’t Mess With Our Values’ Van Jones at Netroots Nation: ‘Don’t Mess With Our Values’
In a fiery keynote address at the Netroots Nation 2011 convention in Minneapolis, Van Jones called for a renewed progressive movement that is unafraid to assert its values. ...
Jun 20, 2011 / The Nation
Katrina vanden Heuvel: Time to Abandon Our ‘War-Footing’ Mentality Katrina vanden Heuvel: Time to Abandon Our ‘War-Footing’ Mentality
Politicians are finally catching up with the American people by questioning our continued involvement in Afghanistan.
Jun 20, 2011 / MSNBC
The Breakdown: Can Any Candidate Keep the GOP Together? The Breakdown: Can Any Candidate Keep the GOP Together?
Can the fractious elements of the Republican party—from tea party fanatics to fiscal hawks and the religious right—come together behind a single candidate?
Jun 17, 2011 / Chris Hayes
What the WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables Reveal About Haiti What the WikiLeaks Diplomatic Cables Reveal About Haiti
Despite a veneer of red cross assistance and earthquake relief volunteers, it seems that a new cold war is developing in Haiti, this time between the north and south of the western...
Jun 17, 2011 / WNYC
Jillian C. York: Using ‘National Security’ Concerns to Hide Internet Censorship Jillian C. York: Using ‘National Security’ Concerns to Hide Internet Censorship
At the 2011 Personal Democracy Forum, the Electronic Frontier Foundation's Jillian C. York discusses WikiLeaks and the censorship of expression on the Internet.
Jun 17, 2011 / The Nation
Edward Glaeser: How Can Cities Reduce Our Carbon Emissions? Edward Glaeser: How Can Cities Reduce Our Carbon Emissions?
Dense cities are a lot more energy efficient than decentralized sprawl, argues Harvard professor and urban advocate Edward Glaeser.
Jun 17, 2011 / The Nation Video and On The Earth Productions
Ari Berman: What Are the Structural Barriers to Progressive Success? Ari Berman: What Are the Structural Barriers to Progressive Success?
How can progressives push government to be of, by and for the people, rather than for the privileged few?
Jun 17, 2011 / Free Speech TV
Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dana Goldstein on the Future of Higher Education Nation Conversations: Betsy Reed and Dana Goldstein on the Future of Higher Education
Our colleges and universities have never been truly open to everyone. But against the backdrop of a worsening high school drop-out rate and rising student debt burdens for those wh...
Jun 16, 2011 / The Nation