
Dan Sinker: How the Fake Rahm Emanuel Twitter Account Is Influencing the Next Generation of Satire Dan Sinker: How the Fake Rahm Emanuel Twitter Account Is Influencing the Next Generation of Satire

The man behind the @MayorEmanuel Twitter account talks about writing a real-time novel with tweets and how social media networks are ushering in a new generation of satire.

Jun 14, 2011 / The Nation

Edward Glaeser: Have Cities Become America’s Ugly Stepchildren? Edward Glaeser: Have Cities Become America’s Ugly Stepchildren?

Harvard Professor Edward Glaeser argues that the country needs policies that create a "level playing field" between our deprived cities and the outlying suburban and rura...

Jun 14, 2011 / The Nation Video and On The Earth Productions

Nation Conversations: Mustafa Barghouti on the Burgeoning Palestinian Anti-Violence Movement Nation Conversations: Mustafa Barghouti on the Burgeoning Palestinian Anti-Violence Movement

The activist and thinker explains how the unity agreement between Hamas and Fatah could prove to be a pivotal moment for Palestine.

Jun 14, 2011 / The Nation

Sex Scandal Rehab: A Political Move? Sex Scandal Rehab: A Political Move?

What is Anthony Weiner hoping to solve by going to rehab? Melissa Harris-Perry dissects whether or not one can make a comeback from a political scandal.

Jun 14, 2011 / MSNBC

Mona Eltahawy: Challenging Authority with the Power of ‘I’ in Egypt Mona Eltahawy: Challenging Authority with the Power of ‘I’ in Egypt

The Egyptian feminist, activist and journalist discusses the powerful role of personal narratives in the Arab Spring

Jun 14, 2011 / Personal Democracy Forum

Slide Show: Five Bills Congress Should Pass This Session

Slide Show: Five Bills Congress Should Pass This Session Slide Show: Five Bills Congress Should Pass This Session

Reading the headlines, you may think Congress’s primary function is to incubate wrongheaded legislative ideas like Paul Ryan’s Medicare-killing budget proposal or plans…

Jun 14, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

On Weinergate: The Post-Modern Sex Scandal On Weinergate: The Post-Modern Sex Scandal

On Bloggingheads, Dana Goldstein and Amanda Marcotte follow up their debate last week on, exploring Anthony Weiner's future and the role of the sex scandal in Am...

Jun 14, 2011 / Bloggingheads

Will the GOP Debate Be Civilized or a Slugfest? Will the GOP Debate Be Civilized or a Slugfest?

George Zornick joins the Washington Times’s Charles Hurt on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to break down GOP strategy, the beginnings of the electoral horse ...

Jun 13, 2011 / C-SPAN

The Breakdown: Is Syria on the Brink of Revolution?

The Breakdown: Is Syria on the Brink of Revolution? The Breakdown: Is Syria on the Brink of Revolution?

Political analyst Joshua M. Landis explains why the Syrian president's recent concessions are too little too late for a burgeoning protest movement that's interested in more than p...

Jun 10, 2011 / Chris Hayes

Slide Show: 16 Bold Ideas for a New Economy

Slide Show: 16 Bold Ideas for a New Economy Slide Show: 16 Bold Ideas for a New Economy

  Imagine you have the ability to reinvent American capitalism: Where would you start? What would you change to make it less destructive and domineering, more focused on what…

Jun 9, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
