Finding Your Beat: Female Journalists on the Issues They Cover Finding Your Beat: Female Journalists on the Issues They Cover
Four women journalists share their experiences writing on topics like the environment, education, finance and social justice.
May 24, 2011 / The Nation
Dave Zirin: Lance Armstrong’s Supporters Will Stand With Him Through Drug Scandal Dave Zirin: Lance Armstrong’s Supporters Will Stand With Him Through Drug Scandal
Three former teammates have testified that they saw the cyclist take performance-enhancing drugs, but the fans Armstrong has built through his support for cancer research are loyal...
May 24, 2011 / ESPN
‘Page One’ Documentary Reveals a ‘Dangerous Moment in American Journalism’ ‘Page One’ Documentary Reveals a ‘Dangerous Moment in American Journalism’
A new film about the New York Times asks the question: what will a future without journalism look like?
May 23, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Barbara Dudley on Oregon’s Efforts to Create a State Bank Nation Conversations: Barbara Dudley on Oregon’s Efforts to Create a State Bank
Oregon attempts to follow in North Dakota's footsteps by pushing forward a bill to establish a publicly-owned bank.
May 23, 2011 / The Nation
Koch Industries’ Tar Sands Pipeline Threatens to Destroy Midwest Aquifer Koch Industries’ Tar Sands Pipeline Threatens to Destroy Midwest Aquifer
Koch Industries stands to profit off of a pipeline that threatens to leak toxins into the Midwest's water supply, and so do our politicians. Tell Hillary Clinton to represent the w...
May 23, 2011 / Brave New Films
John Nichols: Force Republicans to Vote for Their Medicare-Destroying Budget John Nichols: Force Republicans to Vote for Their Medicare-Destroying Budget
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has a plan to make sure Republicans give up on the Paul Ryan budget.
May 20, 2011 / The Ed Show

The Breakdown: Are Political Advocacy Donors Evading Taxes? The Breakdown: Are Political Advocacy Donors Evading Taxes?
The IRS is investigating whether five wealthy donors financing political advocacy groups should be paying additional taxes on their contributions. What is this tax, and why hasn't ...
May 19, 2011 / Chris Hayes
Obama’s Speech: Democracy in the Middle East Makes America Safe Obama’s Speech: Democracy in the Middle East Makes America Safe
A democratic Middle East makes America more safe, says Nation contributor Melissa Harris-Perry.
May 19, 2011 / MSNBC
Jeremy Scahill: Why Is Robert Gates Downplaying Pakistan’s Link to Osama bin Laden? Jeremy Scahill: Why Is Robert Gates Downplaying Pakistan’s Link to Osama bin Laden?
On Wednesday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates told reporters that the Obama administration has no evidence that the Pakistani government knew Osama bin Laden was living within its b...
May 19, 2011 / MSNBC

Slide Show: The GOP’s Presidential Contenders, Wannabes and Also-Rans Slide Show: The GOP’s Presidential Contenders, Wannabes and Also-Rans
It’s the job nobody seems to want: with Barack Obama’s ratings higher than they have been in months, the GOP is having trouble finding candidates to take him on in next…
May 18, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation