
It’s Time to Take on the Grand Old Polluting Party It’s Time to Take on the Grand Old Polluting Party

Obama has asked for an end to massive tax subsidies to oil and gas companies, and even Republican House Speaker John Boehner thought it was a good idea—for a second, that is.

Apr 28, 2011 / MSNBC

Bernie Sanders: Cutting Taxes for the Rich While Slashing Social Programs Is Insane Bernie Sanders: Cutting Taxes for the Rich While Slashing Social Programs Is Insane

Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont addresses the insanity of forcing the middle class to make sacrifices but not asking the country's wealthiest individuals to make sacrifices as we...

Apr 28, 2011 / The Daily Show

Paul Ryan Filibusters His Own Town Hall Meeting Paul Ryan Filibusters His Own Town Hall Meeting

Paul Ryan's GOP plan to address America's fiscal problems is being met with much skepticism and rancor at town hall meetings in Wisconsin.

Apr 28, 2011 / The Ed Show

How Can Progressives Reclaim Their Political Clout? How Can Progressives Reclaim Their Political Clout?

On a panel with Howard Dean and Jacob Hacker, Katrina vanden Heuvel suggests that liberals, progressives and the left will need to form alliances with people with whom they would n...

Apr 27, 2011 / Yale University

Republicans Face a Backlash From Paul Ryan’s Budget Bill Republicans Face a Backlash From Paul Ryan’s Budget Bill

The GOP has come to believe that they were elected to usher in their radical vision of extreme privatization of the welfare state—which they were not.

Apr 27, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Glenn Beck Thinks a Union Leader Is More Dangerous Than Bin Laden Glenn Beck Thinks a Union Leader Is More Dangerous Than Bin Laden

According to Glenn Beck, SEIU organizer Stephen Lerner is a "mastermind worse than Osama bin Laden."

Apr 27, 2011 / MSNBC

Taking on Corporate Power in Politics Taking on Corporate Power in Politics

Dr. Margaret Flowers says that we need to protest corporations like Bank of America that refuse to pay their fair share of taxes if we want to build a real culture of resistance in...

Apr 26, 2011 / The Nation

The Growing, Diversifying Feminist Blogosphere The Growing, Diversifying Feminist Blogosphere

As the feminist blogosphere expands in both size and influence, women from a wide spectrum of society are finding their voices and audiences as never before.

Apr 26, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Conversations: Emily Douglas and Bryce Covert on What New Credit Card Regulation Means for Women

Nation Conversations: Emily Douglas and Bryce Covert on What New Credit Card Regulation Means for Women Nation Conversations: Emily Douglas and Bryce Covert on What New Credit Card Regulation Means for Women

Under new credit card regulations, will women find it harder to access credit?

Apr 26, 2011 / The Nation

Stephen Vavrus: Extreme Weather Is Man-Made Stephen Vavrus: Extreme Weather Is Man-Made

Climate scientist Stephen Vavrus says that climate change is behind the increasing number of extreme weather events.

Apr 26, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions
