Nation Conversations: Wendell Potter on the Health Insurance Industry’s Lock on Congress Nation Conversations: Wendell Potter on the Health Insurance Industry’s Lock on Congress
As Republicans gear up to challenge Obama's healthcare reform legislation, former insurance executive Potter explains how the move to repeal is a smokescreen for the health insuran...
Jan 14, 2011 / The Nation
The Breakdown: Should the US Return to the Gold Standard? The Breakdown: Should the US Return to the Gold Standard?
Congressman Ron Paul is a supporter of it. Arizona shooter Jared Lee Loughner had a sick obsession with it. What would happen if the United States switched back to the gold standar...
Jan 14, 2011 / Chris Hayes
Naomi Klein: The Search for BP’s Oil Naomi Klein: The Search for BP’s Oil
Klein reports from the Gulf of Mexico on how the very real effects of BP's Deepwater Horizon oilspill are still being felt.
Jan 13, 2011 / Big Noise Films and The Nation
Slide Show: Tracking BP’s Oil in the Gulf Slide Show: Tracking BP’s Oil in the Gulf
In the aftermath of the April 2010 explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon oilrig, the media was saturated with images of oil-streaked Gulf Coast water and birds coated in a toxi…
Jan 12, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
The Mystery of the Black Goo The Mystery of the Black Goo
Why is a slimy substance made up of dead plankton and other organisms coating the floor of the Gulf of Mexico?
Jan 12, 2011 / Big Noise Films and The Nation
Eric Alterman Reacts to the Arizona Shooting and Discusses ‘Kabuki Democracy’ Eric Alterman Reacts to the Arizona Shooting and Discusses ‘Kabuki Democracy’
Eric Alterman, columnist for The Nation, and the author of the new book Kabuki Democracy: The System vs. Barack Obama, appeared on WNYC's Brian Lehrer Show to comment on the shooti...
Jan 11, 2011 / The Brian Lehrer Show
The Globe’s Limitations: How Peak Oil Threatens Economic Growth The Globe’s Limitations: How Peak Oil Threatens Economic Growth
How does the depletion of oil supplies threaten both our economy and our political system? Part two in a video series from The Nation and On the Earth productions.
Jan 11, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions
Slide Show: The Attack on Arizona’s Gabrielle Giffords Slide Show: The Attack on Arizona’s Gabrielle Giffords
This Saturday, a gunman, identified by the press as 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, walked up to the parking lot of a Tucson supermarket and shot US Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford…
Jan 10, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Arizona Faces ‘Lethal Combination’ of Guns and Hate Speech Arizona Faces ‘Lethal Combination’ of Guns and Hate Speech
Jeff Biggers appears on Democracy Now! to talk about the assassination attempt on Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona, what it was like to grow up in a "gun state,"&nb...
Jan 10, 2011 / Democracy Now!
The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster
Could the Senate start getting things done, if only legislators didn't have to face filibuster threats? This week on The Breakdown: the history of the filibuster, and how to get ri...
Jan 7, 2011 / Chris Hayes