
Stephen Cohen on Facing Russia’s Gulag Past Stephen Cohen on Facing Russia’s Gulag Past

Cohen joins WABC Radio's John Batchelor to describe the evolution of his recent book, The Victims Return, which investigates the lives of survivors of Stalin's gulags.

Oct 13, 2010 / The John Batchelor Show

Homophobia Shouldn’t be the Norm in America Homophobia Shouldn’t be the Norm in America

The Nation's Richard Kim speaks with the hosts of Democracy Now! about the end of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, America's culture of homophobia and how politicians continue to fan the fla...

Oct 13, 2010 / Democracy Now!

Slide Show: The GOP’s Worst Ideas

Slide Show: The GOP’s Worst Ideas Slide Show: The GOP’s Worst Ideas

Montana’s GOP is also calling for the outlawing of homosexuality—supporting the arrest and incarceration of people whose only “crime” is their sexual orient…

Oct 13, 2010 / The Nation

Will Sex Appeal Trump Substance in the Midterm Elections? Will Sex Appeal Trump Substance in the Midterm Elections?

The Nation's Betsy Reed and Esquire's Tom Junod debate the appeal of female Republican candidates—and whether the conserva-femmes are actually good for women.

Oct 13, 2010 / MSNBC

Briefing: Ari Berman & Karen Finney on Mobilizing the Democratic Base Briefing: Ari Berman & Karen Finney on Mobilizing the Democratic Base

As the Tea Partiers and the GOP's committed base amp up their efforts ahead of the fast-approaching midterms, the Democrats can't match the right's fervor. Where did they go so w...

Oct 12, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Slide Show: 10/10/10 Events from Around the World

Slide Show: 10/10/10 Events from Around the World Slide Show: 10/10/10 Events from Around the World

On Sunday, October 10, people at 7347 events in 188 countries celebrated‘s 10/10/10 Global Work Party by implementing small-scale climate solutions and urging governm…

Oct 11, 2010 / The Nation

A Sobering Anniversary in Afghanistan A Sobering Anniversary in Afghanistan

On October 7, 2010, the Afghanistan War entered its 10th year. It's time to rethink this brutal, futile conflict.

Oct 11, 2010 / Brave New Films

Commentary: John Nichols on Russ Feingold’s Future Commentary: John Nichols on Russ Feingold’s Future

Russ Feingold has been one of the few consistently progressive Senators in Washington, so it's no surprise that he's now a prime target for conservatives.

Oct 8, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

ABC World News Asks, Did Lou Dobbs Hire Undocumented Workers? ABC World News Asks, Did Lou Dobbs Hire Undocumented Workers?

The Nation's Isabel Macdonald says that the millions of undocumented workers in this country cannot seek economic and social justice until they feel safe coming out of the shadow...

Oct 8, 2010 / ABC World News with Diane Sawyer

The Breakdown: How Can the Democrats Close the Enthusiasm Gap?

The Breakdown: How Can the Democrats Close the Enthusiasm Gap? The Breakdown: How Can the Democrats Close the Enthusiasm Gap?

Ari Berman and Chris Hayes ask why Republicans are fired up and ready to go while Democrats are just burnt out?

Oct 8, 2010 / Chris Hayes
