
Socializing Debt in Sports, While Privatizing Profit Socializing Debt in Sports, While Privatizing Profit

It's not about the $6 hot dogs, the $9 beers or the tickets you have to get a loan for. It's about insane amount of tax dollars and corporate welfare that goes into American sports...

Aug 19, 2010 / Press Room

Rod Blagojevich, ‘Bumbling Crook,’ Gets Off With Only One Conviction Rod Blagojevich, ‘Bumbling Crook,’ Gets Off With Only One Conviction

Rod Blagojevich's trial verdict showed that the line between criminal corruption and the base line corruption continues to blur.

Aug 18, 2010 / Press Room

America Plagued by Periodic Paranoia America Plagued by Periodic Paranoia

Our country has a strong pattern of losing its mind over issues that later turn out to be insignificant.

Aug 17, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Briefing: Richard Kim on Gay Marriage in California and the Ground Zero Mosque Briefing: Richard Kim on Gay Marriage in California and the Ground Zero Mosque

The right-wing media has gone silent on gay marriage in California, says Richard Kim, and fearmongering has shifted to the Ground Zero mosque.

Aug 17, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

The Breakdown: How Does Incumbency Affect Elections?

The Breakdown: How Does Incumbency Affect Elections? The Breakdown: How Does Incumbency Affect Elections?

If incumbents are running scared, what does that mean for the phenomenon of the incumbency effect?

Aug 13, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Conversation: A.C. Thompson and Jacques Morial on Post-Katrina Police Violence Conversation: A.C. Thompson and Jacques Morial on Post-Katrina Police Violence

In the anarchic days after Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans police department were responsible for much of the deadly violence.

Aug 11, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Briefing: Betsy Reed on Midterm Elections and the Tea Party Briefing: Betsy Reed on Midterm Elections and the Tea Party

The battle for Congress—otherwise known as the 2010 midterm elections—is underway, and it seems that every bill that comes up for a vote is a campaign issue. 

Aug 9, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

End of the Tea Party? End of the Tea Party?

The Nation's Ari Melber and Andrew Langer of the Institute for Liberty debate the reason the Tea Party lost to the GOP in three primaries this week.

Aug 6, 2010 / MSNBC

The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster

The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster The Breakdown: How to Bust the Filibuster

Could the Senate start getting things done, if only legislators didn't have to face filibuster threats? This week on The Breakdown: the history of the filibuster, and how to get ri...

Aug 5, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Is the Tea Party Falling Apart? Is the Tea Party Falling Apart?

Melissa Harris-Lacewell talks about the key losses for the Tea Party in the Michigan and Missouri primaries.

Aug 5, 2010 / Countdown
