
Bring America Home: William Greider on CAN TV Bring America Home: William Greider on CAN TV

Speaking before the Democratic Socialists of America in Chicago, The Nation's William Greider draws parallels between the political realities of today and the challenges labor act...

Jul 6, 2010 / CAN TV

Call Torture by its Real Name Call Torture by its Real Name

Instead of rape, let's just call it, "unilateral, physical intimacy." Instead of torture, let's just call it, "enhanced interrogation techniques," and pretend t...

Jul 2, 2010 / The Ed Show

Walter Mosley: Gesturing Towards Redemption Walter Mosley: Gesturing Towards Redemption

"Redemption is looking at ourselves, asking what we can do better instead of blaming our leaders," says Walter Mosley, author and Nation contributor. "We can't loo...

Jul 2, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

The Breakdown: Why Is the NRA So Powerful?

The Breakdown: Why Is the NRA So Powerful? The Breakdown: Why Is the NRA So Powerful?

Democrats have repeatedly conceded defeat on gun control issues and now would rather get out of the NRA's way than anger it. Christopher Hayes and Robert Spitzer investigate how th...

Jul 1, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Wanted: One GOP Vote for Unemployment Benefits Wanted: One GOP Vote for Unemployment Benefits

Failure to extend unemployment benefits is a problem created by both the GOP and the democratic Congress, Laura Flanders and Tim Carney explain on The Ed Show, guest hosted by Chri...

Jul 1, 2010 / The Ed Show

Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran Esther Kaplan: New Evidence for Hikers Detained by Iran

Esther Kaplan, Editor of the Nation Institute's Investigative Fund, argues that investigative journalism has played a vital role in unearthing just how and where the three American...

Jun 30, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV

Nation Conversations: Jeff Blum on the Battle for Healthcare Nation Conversations: Jeff Blum on the Battle for Healthcare

USAction's Jeff Blum argues that progressives need to embrace Obama's healthcare reform as a major victory for the social justice movement: "We actually established a new r...

Jun 29, 2010 / The Nation

Judges Are Called Judges Because They Use Their Judgment Judges Are Called Judges Because They Use Their Judgment

Guest-hosting The Ed Show, Nation Washington Editor Christopher Hayes examines the GOP's farcical cross-examination of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.

Jun 29, 2010 / The Ed Show

Slide Show: The Nation in the Nuclear Age

Slide Show: The Nation in the Nuclear Age Slide Show: The Nation in the Nuclear Age

Since the detonation of the first atomic bombs over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August of 1945, The Nation has been appropriately fearful of the singular devas…

Jun 29, 2010 / The Nation

Dean Baker: Financial Reform or Lack Thereof? Dean Baker: Financial Reform or Lack Thereof?

Dean Baker, co-director of the Center on Economic Policy Research, says that though Obama's financial reforms may ultimately result in greater transparency in the way banks and ...

Jun 28, 2010 / The Nation on Grit TV
