
Memo to President: Do Not Trust BP Memo to President: Do Not Trust BP

Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel appears on Real Time with Bill Maher warning the president to regulate the oil industry and not vice versa.

Jun 7, 2010 / Real Time with Bill Maher

Gambling With Global Warming Gambling With Global Warming

Noam Chomsky and environmentalist Bill McKibben discuss the numbers game the mainstream media is playing with climate change science.

Jun 4, 2010 / On The Earth Productions

The BP PR Machine The BP PR Machine

Mother Jones's Mac McClelland reports on BP's disinformation campaign in the Gulf.

Jun 4, 2010 / GRITtv

The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For?

The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For? The Breakdown: On ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal, What Are We Waiting For?

Last month, the House of Representatives took steps toward repealing the military's discriminatory DADT policy, pending the results of a Pentagon study on the issue. But what impac...

Jun 4, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Israel’s Illegal Strangulation Israel’s Illegal Strangulation

The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill and former New York Mayor Ed Koch debate the legality of the Israeli assault on the Gaza aid flotilla and the Israeli government's impunity.

Jun 3, 2010 / MSNBC

Slide Show: Israeli Raid on Gaza Relief Flotilla

Slide Show: Israeli Raid on Gaza Relief Flotilla Slide Show: Israeli Raid on Gaza Relief Flotilla

In the early hours of Monday, May 31, Israeli Defense Forces raided a flotilla of six ships en route to delivering humanitarian aid to Gaza, killing at least nine civilians and wou…

Jun 3, 2010 / The Nation

BP’s Last Days? BP’s Last Days?

Nation DC Editor Christopher Hayes appears on The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss the future of BP and whether the spill in the Gulf of Mexico could be the end for the oil giant.

Jun 2, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Ayn Rand: I Am the Greatest Ayn Rand: I Am the Greatest

Nation writer Corey Robin discusses Ayn Rand's kitsch philosophy.

Jun 1, 2010 / Books & the Arts / GRITtv

Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Gaza Freedom Flotilla Ret. Col. Ann Wright on Gaza Freedom Flotilla

Ret. Col. Ann Wright speaks from aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, heading to Gaza with aid and solidarity.

May 31, 2010 / The Nation

The Breakdown: What Is the True Cost of BP’s Oil Spill?

The Breakdown: What Is the True Cost of BP’s Oil Spill? The Breakdown: What Is the True Cost of BP’s Oil Spill?

As images of oil-drenched coastlines and stories of devastated industries and families flood the airwaves, how can we begin to reckon the real magnitude of the damage?

May 28, 2010 / Chris Hayes
