
The Breakdown: An Unconstitutional Mandate? The Breakdown: An Unconstitutional Mandate?

Fourteen states have filed suit challenging the healthcare overhaul, particularly the individual mandate, as unconstitutional. Christopher Hayes asks Columbia law professor Gillian...

Mar 26, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Giving Power to the Fed Giving Power to the Fed

Kai Wright explains why a consumer protection agency inside the Federal Reserve does not make any sense.

Mar 25, 2010 / Democracy Now!

Attack of the Cheneys Attack of the Cheneys

Nation writer Matthew Duss discusses the neoconservative agenda in light of Liz Cheney's constant attacks on the Obama Administration.

Mar 24, 2010 / The Nation Video

Liz Cheney Speaks Out Liz Cheney Speaks Out

In a compilation of clips, Liz Cheney--daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney--attempts to push the neoconservative agenda and defend her father's torture policies.

Mar 24, 2010 / The Nation Video

Can Obama Talk About Race? Can Obama Talk About Race?

Melissa Harris-Lacewell explains why Obama is not talking about race and what it means for African Americans.

Mar 24, 2010 / GRITtv

Slide Show: The Road to Healthcare Reform Slide Show: The Road to Healthcare Reform

Mar 23, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation

The Breakdown: Will Dodd’s Financial Reform Bill Protect Consumers? The Breakdown: Will Dodd’s Financial Reform Bill Protect Consumers?

This week on The Breakdown: The time for comprehensive financial reform and consumer protection has finally come. Christopher Hayes asks Demos's Heather McGhee, does Dodd's financi...

Mar 19, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Separation of Jefferson and History Separation of Jefferson and History

Nation contributor Eric Foner defends history, and disagrees with the Texas Board of Education, on The Colbert Report.

Mar 19, 2010 / The Colbert Report

Watchdogging Investigation of New Orleans Killings Watchdogging Investigation of New Orleans Killings

Two former police members recently admitted to participating in a cover-up of the killings and wounding of unarmed civilians in New Orleans shortly after Hurricane Katrina. Nation ...

Mar 17, 2010 / Democracy Now!

Tiger’s Return Tiger’s Return

Nation sports writer Dave Zirin discusses what Tiger Woods's return to the Masters means for his image--and for the tournament.

Mar 17, 2010 / MSNBC
