The Breakdown: A Healthcare Timeline The Breakdown: A Healthcare Timeline
Even if healthcare reform passes in 2010, many of its programs will only go into effect in two or three years. Why? Christopher Hayes says it's all an accounting trick.
Jan 15, 2010 / Chris Hayes
Organizing For America’s First Year Organizing For America’s First Year
Ari Melber reviews OFA's strengths and weaknesses on its first anniversary.
Jan 14, 2010 / MSNBC
Government Regulation’s Value Government Regulation’s Value
Katrina vanden Heuvel wonders if we can radically rethink our economic system.
Jan 13, 2010 / GRITtv
Balancing U.S. Deficit: All Crazy Talk Balancing U.S. Deficit: All Crazy Talk
Chris Hayes argues that the US budget deficit can be resolved--even in the short term.
Jan 13, 2010 / MSNBC
Why Liz Cheney is Irrelevant Why Liz Cheney is Irrelevant
Chris Hayes discusses Liz Cheney and Keep America Safe, her useless neoconservative 'pressure group.'
Jan 12, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show
Journalism in 10: Jane Mayer on Protecting Sources Journalism in 10: Jane Mayer on Protecting Sources
The New Yorker's Jane Mayer reflects on the perils of reporting in a post-9/11 world.
Jan 8, 2010 / The Nation Video
Blackwater at the Center of CIA Ops Blackwater at the Center of CIA Ops
The death of two contractors on a CIA base in Afghanistan signals their ongoing ties with US intelligence.
Jan 8, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show
What Happened to Obama’s Movement? What Happened to Obama’s Movement?
The Obama campaign was a massive grassroots mobilization, but a year later, has the organization that grew out of it failed to keep up the momentum?
Jan 6, 2010 / GRITtv
Slide Show: Obama’s Challenges in 2010 Slide Show: Obama’s Challenges in 2010
The Nation on the most crucial domestic and foreign issues facing his administration in the new year.
Dec 29, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Why Attack Obama for Terrorist Acts? Why Attack Obama for Terrorist Acts?
The Nation's Chris Hayes challenges the right wing rhetoric of conservative Rep. Peter King regarding the attempted terror attack on Christmas.
Dec 29, 2009 / MSNBC