Is the President Just Another Celebrity? Is the President Just Another Celebrity?
The Nation's Ari Melber defends Obama's recent media blitz, arguing that he can inform the public about what he stands for and helps maintain a healthy democracy.
Sep 21, 2009 / MSNBC
Racism Tarnishes News Coverage Racism Tarnishes News Coverage
How did the mainstream media cover this week's Iranian election, tea-bagger rally in DC or former President Carter's comment about racism and politics in the US?
Sep 18, 2009 / GRITtv
Lewis Black Takes on Angry Outbursts Lewis Black Takes on Angry Outbursts
Has 2009 been the year of the angry outburst? Lewis Black breaks down recent bad behavior from Joe Wilson, Kanye West and Serena Williams as only he can.
Sep 18, 2009 / The Daily Show
Slide Show: The Far-Right Fringe Slide Show: The Far-Right Fringe
Images of those who seek to obstruct, undermine and smear progressives--while posing a threat to democracy.
Sep 18, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Anatomy of Wilson’s ‘You Lie’ Outburst Anatomy of Wilson’s ‘You Lie’ Outburst
What if all the GOP congressmen were supposed to yell 'you lie' but changed their minds at the last minute while Joe Wilson was in the bathroom?
Sep 18, 2009 / Saturday Night Live
Obama Is Fired Up About Healthcare Obama Is Fired Up About Healthcare
The Nation's Ari Melber on Obama's speech to the AFL-CIO which seemed to inspire the president's populist side and showed an eagerness to engage with the public.
Sep 17, 2009 / MSNBC
Republicans Run for the Border Republicans Run for the Border
The Nation's Chris Hayes illuminates the repercussions that will result from the right's continued praise for Joe Wilson's false claim.
Sep 17, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
The Right Reacts to Racism Allegations The Right Reacts to Racism Allegations
Nation blogger Melissa Harris-Lacewell discusses the importance of President Carter's remark that racism has played a role in the opposition to Obama's agenda.
Sep 17, 2009 / Countdown
Is The Economic Storm Over? Is The Economic Storm Over?
David Cay Johnston, Robert Johnson and Barrett Sheridan on whether the worst is over. And if it is, what's to prevent another economic storm from happening again?
Sep 16, 2009 / GRITtv
The Unauthorized 9/12 Teabagger Tour The Unauthorized 9/12 Teabagger Tour
Nation contributor Max Blumenthal captures the protest's atmosphere of ignorance by interviewing the rally's most delusional attendees.
Sep 15, 2009 / Max Blumenthal and AlterNet