
Palin Abandons Alaska and the Facts Palin Abandons Alaska and the Facts

The Nation's Chris Hayes on Sarah Palin's wildly inaccurate recent op-ed in the Washington Post on cap-and-trade legislation.

Jul 15, 2009 / Countdown

Sanders Schools McCain on Public Healthcare Sanders Schools McCain on Public Healthcare

Sen. Bernie Sanders says Congress should stop protecting the private healthcare industry and provide quality healthcare for all Americans.

Jul 14, 2009 / YouTube

Fuel Fuel

A new documentary explores how alternative and sustainable energies can reduce our country's and the world's addictive dependence on fossil fuels.

Jul 14, 2009 / Books & the Arts / YouTube

The Federal Reserve Is Under Fire The Federal Reserve Is Under Fire

As details emerge of how the Fed secretly doled out trillions during the financial crisis, Congress demands accountability.

Jul 13, 2009 / American News Project

Judging Sonia Sotomayor Judging Sonia Sotomayor

As the Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Sonia Sotomayor kick off, The Nation interviews Slate's Dahlia Lithwick for a preview.

Jul 13, 2009 / The Nation Video

Will Palin Still Run for President in 2012? Will Palin Still Run for President in 2012?

The Nation's John Nichols on how Sarah Palin's resignation will or won't affect her 2012 presidential prospects.

Jul 10, 2009 / The Ed Show

Karl Rove Finally Goes Under Oath Karl Rove Finally Goes Under Oath

The Nation's Chris Hayes talks about the Panetta revelations about the CIA and Karl Rove's recent testimony over the US attorney firings scandal.

Jul 10, 2009 / Countdown

What Will Healthcare Reform Really Cost? What Will Healthcare Reform Really Cost?

Healthcare as we know it is a serious burden on the national economy. Is Congress willing to make the necessary changes to overhaul the system?

Jul 8, 2009 / GRITtv

Rethink Afghanistan: Women of Afghanistan Rethink Afghanistan: Women of Afghanistan

American military escalation will not liberate the women of Afghanistan. Instead, the hardships of war take a disproportionate toll on women and their families.

Jul 8, 2009 / Brave New Films

Slide Show: The Sarah Palin Saga Slide Show: The Sarah Palin Saga

A look back at The Nation's coverage of the Republican governor's shocking rise and possible premature fall in national politics.

Jul 7, 2009 / Photo Essay / The Nation
