
Jon Stewart Rips the Notorious AIG Jon Stewart Rips the Notorious AIG

Everyone is outraged at the AIG bonuses, Jon Stewart points out these days that's worth about as much as the company's stock.

Mar 18, 2009 / The Daily Show

What is So Scary About Workers Organizing? What is So Scary About Workers Organizing?

Chris Kromm, Gene Carroll and others discuss what is driving the real fear of the Employee Free Choice Act.

Mar 18, 2009 / GRITtv

Daring to Change: An Exclusive Interview with Mauricio Funes Daring to Change: An Exclusive Interview with Mauricio Funes

A leftist party has won El Salvador's presidency for the first time in history. Newly elected President Mauricio Funes discusses his plans.

Mar 18, 2009 / New America Media

What Difference Does Wealth Make? What Difference Does Wealth Make?

Three experts discuss the racial and historical dimensions of the income gap in the United States.

Mar 17, 2009 / GRITtv

Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Future of Afghanistan Sen. Bernie Sanders on the Future of Afghanistan

If President Obama truly aims to curb the violence in Afghanistan he will have to come up with more than a troop escalation plan.

Mar 17, 2009 / Brave New Films

Do Anti-Terror Laws Work? Do Anti-Terror Laws Work?

Has the threat of terrorism been exploited to crack down on civil liberties? And do anti-terror laws make us safe?

Mar 17, 2009 / GRITtv

Colbert Will Hunt Down AIG Bonus Babies With Pitchforks Colbert Will Hunt Down AIG Bonus Babies With Pitchforks

Stephen Colbert offers to lead an angry mob to recover the taxpayer-funded AIG bonuses.

Mar 17, 2009 / The Colbert Report

Jon Stewart Rips Jim Cramer Apart Jon Stewart Rips Jim Cramer Apart

Jon Stewart finally confronts Jim Cramer face-to-face. The results are fascinating to watch.

Mar 13, 2009 / The Daily Show

Can the Media Cover the Economy? Can the Media Cover the Economy?

Fox's coverage of EFCA. Cramer v. Stewart. The Nation's Ari Melber, Isabel McDonald and others discuss the news coverage of the past week.

Mar 12, 2009 / GRITtv

Maddow Makes Sense of the Drug Debate Maddow Makes Sense of the Drug Debate

A look at President Obama's nominee for 'drug czar' with the Bruce Mirken from the Marijuana Policy Project.

Mar 12, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
