
Obama and the Press Obama and the Press

A panel discussion for student journalists focused on what new challenges and opportunities Barack Obama's election present to journalists

Feb 13, 2009 / Books & the Arts / The Nation Video

The Nation Critic’s Picks: Gommorah and The Class The Nation Critic’s Picks: Gommorah and The Class

The Nation's film critic Stuart Klawans weighs in on two of the most acclaimed foreign films of 2008.

Feb 12, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Brett Story

Great Expectations for Obama Great Expectations for Obama

Is the watered-down stimulus bill a signal of a more ambitious agenda for Obama or a harbinger of reduced expectations?

Feb 12, 2009

CEOs Attempt to ‘Rebrand’ Bonuses CEOs Attempt to ‘Rebrand’ Bonuses

They just don't get it. The Nation's Chris Hayes discusses the refusal of Wall Street CEOs to let their unearned bonuses go.

Feb 12, 2009 / Countdown

Jobs With Justice or Just Jobs? Jobs With Justice or Just Jobs?

As the nation struggles to save and create jobs, how do we make sure workers aren't robbed? Plus: the battle to confirm Hilda Solis.

Feb 11, 2009 / GRITtv

William Greider on Democrats’ Money Dilemma William Greider on Democrats’ Money Dilemma

The Nation's national affairs correspondent explains how the current economic crisis is a moment of reckoning for the Democratic party.

Feb 11, 2009 / American News Project

A-Rod to Unravel Stories of Steroid Use A-Rod to Unravel Stories of Steroid Use

The Nation's Dave Zirin points out that when it comes to Major League Baseball and steroid use players are not the only ones who are wrong.

Feb 11, 2009 / MSNBC

Fighting for Our Homes Fighting for Our Homes

With Americans facing foreclosures and banks using bailout money to pay themselves, community organizing has proved to be the best defense for homeowners.

Feb 10, 2009 / Brave New Films

Jon Stewart Rips Bill O’Reilly Over Hypocrisy On Privacy Jon Stewart Rips Bill O’Reilly Over Hypocrisy On Privacy

Jon Stewart ridicules the Fox News host for ambushing a Columbia Journalism Review staffer for publishing a piece by a writer from The Nation.

Feb 10, 2009 / The Daily Show

The GOP Plays Politics With Our Economy The GOP Plays Politics With Our Economy

The Nation's Chris Hayes explains how Republican opposition to Obama's stimulus is really the result of their own inability to govern.

Feb 10, 2009 / Countdown
