Olbermann Comment: Sarah Palin Is a Socialist Olbermann Comment: Sarah Palin Is a Socialist
Palin is accusing Obama of advocating socialism even though she supports collective wealth sharing in her home state of Alaska.
Oct 29, 2008 / Countdown
In Defense of ACORN In Defense of ACORN
Peter Dreier and John Atlas explain the ACORN controversy, and explore the Republican rationale for keeping it in the news.
Oct 27, 2008 / Radio Nation
Pullin’ a Biden Pullin’ a Biden
The candidates' mistakes are called gaffes, bloopers, or as they're known on the street--'Pullin' a Biden.'
Oct 27, 2008 / The Daily Show
John McCain Is the Vet Who Didn’t Vet John McCain Is the Vet Who Didn’t Vet
This is a cautionary tale about what happens when politicians fail to vet their running mates.
Oct 27, 2008 / YouTube
Saturday Night Live’s Obama Variety Special Saturday Night Live’s Obama Variety Special
What if Barack Obama and friends decided to play it safe with his prime-time special by putting on a 70s-style variety show?
Oct 27, 2008 / Saturday Night Live
Rachel Maddow Show: Steal Back Your Vote Rachel Maddow Show: Steal Back Your Vote
Rachel Maddow talks to Robert Kennedy Jr. about the systematic purging of voters off of the rolls nationwide, and what you can do about it.
Oct 24, 2008 / MSNBC
Naomi Klein Breaks Down the Bailout Naomi Klein Breaks Down the Bailout
Nation columnist Naomi Klein speaks at a Nation/Brecht Forum event about the financial crisis.
Oct 24, 2008 / The Nation Video
Saturday Night Live: Will Ferrell and Tina Fey Mock Bush, Palin Saturday Night Live: Will Ferrell and Tina Fey Mock Bush, Palin
President Bush compliments Sarah Palin's 'folksiness' and implores voters to picture his face whenever they think of John McCain.
Oct 24, 2008 / Saturday Night Live
Brave New Films Contest: What Would You Ask McCain? Brave New Films Contest: What Would You Ask McCain?
Tell us what issue you would ask McCain to come clean about and why. You might just win a free 'Real McCain' t-shirt.
Oct 23, 2008 / Brave New Films
McCain Attack Ads by John Woo, Wes Anderson and Kevin Smith McCain Attack Ads by John Woo, Wes Anderson and Kevin Smith
What if iconic Hollywood directors John Woo, Kevin Smith and Wes Anderson took a crack at creating a John McCain attack ad?
Oct 23, 2008 / The Landline