Olbermann’s Special Comment on ‘Real America’, Palin, Bachmann Olbermann’s Special Comment on ‘Real America’, Palin, Bachmann
Keith Olbermann criticizes the McCain campaign and other Republicans, like Michele Bachmann, for their use of divisive politics during the campaign.
Oct 21, 2008 / Countdown
Wall Street Meltdown 101 Wall Street Meltdown 101
Naomi Klein, William Greider, Frances Fox Piven and others explain the financial crisis in a recent emergency town hall meeting in New York City.
Oct 21, 2008 / Nation Audio
SNL: Amy Poehler Raps About Palin and Alaska SNL: Amy Poehler Raps About Palin and Alaska
Amy Poehler brings the house down with a Sarah Palin-inspired hip hop ode to Alaska and the McCain campaign.
Oct 20, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Saturday Night Live
Colin Powell on Why He Endorsed Obama Colin Powell on Why He Endorsed Obama
Colin Powell slams right-wing attacks on Obama's character and argues in a favor a generational change in the White House.
Oct 19, 2008 / Talking Points Memo
Nation Editor Challenges GOP Smear Nation Editor Challenges GOP Smear
When Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann called Barack Obama and his supporters 'anti-American,' The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel fought back.
Oct 18, 2008 / MSNBC
Daily Show on Obama and McCain’s Final Debate Daily Show on Obama and McCain’s Final Debate
The final debate isn't about the animosity between the candidates, but about you, the people who remind them to keep a never-ending supply of Purell on them.
Oct 17, 2008 / The Daily Show
McCain on Letterman: ‘I Screwed Up’ McCain on Letterman: ‘I Screwed Up’
Keith Olbermann lauds Late Night host David Letterman for challenging McCain on his attack ads in a way that only he can.
Oct 17, 2008 / Countdown
Saturday Night Live: Obama and McCain’s Plumber Debate Saturday Night Live: Obama and McCain’s Plumber Debate
McCain celebrates his 'best friend in the whole world', Joe the Plumber, who has a 'magical plunger' that will fix all our economic problems.
Oct 17, 2008 / Saturday Night Live
Joe the Anti-Social Security Plumber Joe the Anti-Social Security Plumber
'Joe the Plumber', the unlikely star of the final 2008 presidential debate, reveals some of his more extreme views on the issues.
Oct 16, 2008 / Talking Points Memo
McCain Scoffs at ‘Mother’s Health’ Abortion Exemption McCain Scoffs at ‘Mother’s Health’ Abortion Exemption
Obama and McCain exchange blows on abortion rights and a mother's health, the latter of which is too extreme for the Republican.
Oct 16, 2008 / Talking Points Memo