Palin Reality Check Palin Reality Check
Ever since Sarah Palin became a vice presidential candidate, the GOP has battled the plain facts to present her as a reformer.
Sep 18, 2008 / The Today Show
Jon Stewart Slams Sarah Palin Sideshow Jon Stewart Slams Sarah Palin Sideshow
As Wall Street crumbles and hurricanes rip through the southern United States, Stewart sees the brighter side: a hot VP candidate.
Sep 17, 2008 / The Daily Show
Maher Mocks the McCain/Palin Ticket Maher Mocks the McCain/Palin Ticket
Maher says, 'If you describe [Palin] accurately, there's no way you can do that and not sound condescending.'
Sep 17, 2008 / MSNBC
Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin
The Bourne Ultimatum star calls the Palin pick 'a really bad Disney movie.'
Sep 16, 2008 / YouTube
‘Obama Waffles’ Leave Bad Taste ‘Obama Waffles’ Leave Bad Taste
At the Family Research Council's Value Voters summit in Washington DC, vendors hawk a racist product meant to inspire Anti-Obama fervor.
Sep 16, 2008 / American News Project
Naomi Klein on Bank Bailouts & Bush Naomi Klein on Bank Bailouts & Bush
The Nation's Naomi Klein connects the dots between Wall Street's meltdown and the failed economic policies of the Bush Administration.
Sep 15, 2008 / MSNBC
Radio Nation With Laura Flanders Radio Nation With Laura Flanders
William Greider on '08 election fears. Daphne A. Brooks shares her tainted love for Amy Winehouse. Also, Richard Kim and Salon's Rebecca Traister.
Sep 15, 2008 / Radio Nation
McCain Must Release His Medical Records McCain Must Release His Medical Records
The state of John McCain's health is an issue of grave concern for all Americans, regardless of political persuasion.
Sep 15, 2008 / Brave New Films
McCain’s Ads Are Lies McCain’s Ads Are Lies
We are in the two-minute drill with no timeouts. No more sitting on the sidelines and allowing the McCain campaign to rack up points with countless distortions.
Sep 13, 2008 / Brave New Films
Palin’s Hidden Base Palin’s Hidden Base
It turns out Sarah Palin has something substantial to hide, especially from swing voters.
Sep 9, 2008 / American News Project