
Obama’s Gaffe-Free Iraq Trip Obama’s Gaffe-Free Iraq Trip

Jon Stewart jokes that with one shot, Barack Obama dispelled all rumors of his lack of foreign policy experience.

Jul 22, 2008 / The Daily Show

RadioNation With Laura Flanders RadioNation With Laura Flanders

Jen Marlowe reports on Darfur, Eli Pariser on MoveOn and a new sex columnist weighs in on Barack and Michelle.

Jul 21, 2008 / Radio Nation

Naomi Klein Outfoxes Fox Naomi Klein Outfoxes Fox

Naomi Klein debunks Bush's offshore drilling plan on Fox Business News' Happy Hour Program.

Jul 18, 2008 / YouTube

Send Karl Rove to Jail Send Karl Rove to Jail

This sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Well, it's not. We have a unique opportunity right now to send Karl Rove to jail, but only if we take immediate action.

Jul 18, 2008 / Brave New Films

Brave Nation Activist Award Winner Brave Nation Activist Award Winner

Cristina Lara is a feminist, a football player, a writer and a straight-A student. Watch her receive the first Brave Nation Activist award.

Jul 17, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Brave Nation

McCain Learns How to Use a Computer McCain Learns How to Use a Computer

McCain, the self-proclaimed 'illiterate,' computer non-user gets excited about a one-hour CD that guarantees it can teach him this 'complicated' technology.

Jul 14, 2008 / YouTube

The New Yorker Cover Controversy The New Yorker Cover Controversy

Laura Flanders leads a panel discussion featuring Hendrik Hertzberg of The New Yorker about the controversial Barack Obama cover.

Jul 14, 2008 / GRITtv

Edwards Defends Obama’s Iraq Policy Edwards Defends Obama’s Iraq Policy

Appearing on Good Morning America, John Edwards speaks out against false claims that Barack Obama has flip-flopped on Iraq.

Jul 14, 2008 / YouTube

Radio Nation with Laura Flanders Radio Nation with Laura Flanders

The Nation's Ari Melber and Jon Pincus tackle FISA, Elizabeth Holtzman talks impeachment--plus more on war resisters in Canada and the subprime mortgage crisis.

Jul 14, 2008 / Radio Nation

Kai Wright Explains the Subprime Swindle Kai Wright Explains the Subprime Swindle

Nation magazine contributor Kai Wright discusses his July 14 article about the mortgage crisis and its effect on the black middle class.

Jul 10, 2008 / The Nation Video and Brett Story
