
How Similar Are Bush and McCain? How Similar Are Bush and McCain?

Think you can tell the difference between McCain and Bush? Take the Bush-McCain challenge!

May 13, 2008 /

This Brave Nation: Coming Soon This Brave Nation: Coming Soon

Take a sneak peek at the new documentary series from the Brave New Foundation and The Nation.

May 8, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Brave Nation

The Empire Strikes Barack The Empire Strikes Barack

Can the entire narrative of the last few months of the Democratic nomination fight be found in the second Star Wars film?

May 8, 2008 / Humanitainment

McCain’s Pastor: US Should Destroy Islam McCain’s Pastor: US Should Destroy Islam

Since the media won't question McCain about his deeply bigoted pastor, it's up to you to call attention to this issue.

May 8, 2008 / Brave New Films and Mother Jones

Gas Tax Holiday (from Reality) Gas Tax Holiday (from Reality)

As far as Hillary Clinton is concerned, if you disagree with her gas tax plan, you're an elitist.

May 5, 2008 / Talking Points Memo

Justice for Sean Bell Justice for Sean Bell

Protesters decry acquittal of three New York City police officers on trial for firing 50 bullets at an unarmed man.

Apr 28, 2008 / The Nation Video and Brett Story

Pentagon Pundits Scandal: Ignored Pentagon Pundits Scandal: Ignored

Why is the media ignoring one of the biggest political scandals in recent memory?

Apr 28, 2008 / The Daily Show

McCain Is the Media’s Maverick McCain Is the Media’s Maverick

Why does the American public think John McCain is a maverick? Because the mainstream media told them so.

Apr 28, 2008 / Media Matters for America

Hillary’s Iran Insanity Hillary’s Iran Insanity

How did Hillary go from being simply hawkish on Iran to becoming completely hellbent on its destruction?

Apr 28, 2008 / Talking Points Memo

Phil Donahue on the Bleak Future of Iraq Phil Donahue on the Bleak Future of Iraq

Why isn't Phil Donahue back on television? Because he speaks the truth.

Apr 28, 2008 / The Young Turks
