
Articles which are freely available

Citizens United protest

Open Letter: Let’s Sit-In to Save Democracy From the Billionaire Class Open Letter: Let’s Sit-In to Save Democracy From the Billionaire Class

More than 1,000 people have pledged to join progressive leaders in a congressional sit-in, to take our elections back from moneyed special interests.

Dec 2, 2015 / Rhana Bazzini, Medea Benjamin, Ben Cohen, Jodie Evans, Joseph Huff-Hannon, Lawrence Lessig, Joan Mandle, Kai Newkirk, Carlos Saavedra, Umi Selah, Paul Song, Zephyr Teachout, Cenk Uygur, and Winnie Wong

Worried About Voter Turnout? Demand an Election Day Holiday

Worried About Voter Turnout? Demand an Election Day Holiday Worried About Voter Turnout? Demand an Election Day Holiday

Voters need time to vote.

Nov 9, 2015 / NationAction and Brave New Films

Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception

Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception Demand a Federal Investigation of Exxon’s Climate-Change Deception

Exxon-Mobil has spent years promoting skepticism of climate change—a position that runs contrary to the company's own research.

Oct 26, 2015 / NationAction

Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Join The Nation, the Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund, Courage Campaign and 14 other organizations in calling on Congress to close corporate tax loopholes.

Oct 22, 2015 / NationAction

How Bernie Sanders Should Talk About Democratic Socialism

How Bernie Sanders Should Talk About Democratic Socialism How Bernie Sanders Should Talk About Democratic Socialism

Instead of looking to Europe, Sanders could evoke the rich heritage of American radicalism.

Oct 21, 2015 / Eric Foner

Activists gather as politicians introduce the EACH Woman Act

Here’s Something We Can Do To Expand Abortion Access Here’s Something We Can Do To Expand Abortion Access

The EACH Woman Act would ensure health coverage of abortion for anyone regardless of what they earn or where they live.

Oct 9, 2015 / NationAction

Bernie on TPP

Tell the Democratic Party: We Need More Debates Tell the Democratic Party: We Need More Debates

With only six primary debates scheduled, the DNC is doing the party—and our democracy— a disservice.

Oct 6, 2015 / NationAction

Asking for a Friend

Asking for a Friend Asking for a Friend

Living under late capitalism is hard. Liza is here to help.

Sep 29, 2015 / Liza Featherstone

If You Owe Student-Loan Debt, the Government Can Garnish Your Social Security Benefits

If You Owe Student-Loan Debt, the Government Can Garnish Your Social Security Benefits If You Owe Student-Loan Debt, the Government Can Garnish Your Social Security Benefits

Join our campaign to demand relief for thousands of Social Security recipients still struggling to pay off their student loans.

Sep 23, 2015 / NationAction
